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Macrochelys temminckii是什么意思 Macrochelys temminckii的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-04-22 06:35:04
  • 54

Macrochelys temminckii是什么意思 Macrochelys temminckii的读音、翻译、用法

'Macrochelys temminckii'这个词语来源于英语,是指美国犀牛龟。



以下是9个含有'Macrochelys temminckii'的例句:

1. The Macrochelys temminckii is known for its relatively large size and rough, wart-like skin.(美国犀牛龟因其相对较大的大小和粗糙的疣状皮肤而闻名。)

2. The Macrochelys temminckii is primarily found in rivers and swamps in the southeastern United States.(美洲犀鳖主要分布在美国东南部的河流和沼泽地带。)

3. The Macrochelys temminckii is also known as the alligator snapping turtle.(美洲犀鳖也被称为矶龟。)

4. Scientists are studying the behavior and habitat of the Macrochelys temminckii in order to better understand this species.(科学家们正在研究美国犀牛龟的行为和栖息地,以更好地了解这个物种。)

5. The Macrochelys temminckii is a carnivorous reptile and feeds primarily on fish, insects, and small mammals.(美国犀牛龟是一种肉食性爬行动物,主要以鱼类、昆虫和小型哺乳动物为食。)

6. Due to habitat loss and hunting, the population of Macrochelys temminckii has declined in recent years.(由于栖息地的和捕猎,美洲犀鳖的数量在近年来有所下降。)

7. Macrochelys temminckii is one of the largest freshwater turtles in North America.(美国犀牛龟是北美最大的淡水龟之一。)

8. The Macrochelys temminckii has a unique hunting strategy, using its powerful jaws to catch prey.(美洲犀鳖有独特的捕猎策略,利用其强大的颚部来捕捉猎物。)

9. The Macrochelys temminckii is listed as a threatened species by the International Union for Conservation of Nature.(美洲犀鳖被国际自然保护联盟列为濒危物种。)


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