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旅行行程用英语怎么说 (含例句)

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-08-14 15:21:13
  • 107

旅行行程用英语怎么说 (含例句)

1. 行程安排的起止时间和每天活动的计划


- Our travel itinerary includes visiting the Grand Canyon on Monday and hiking in Yosemite National Park on Wednesday. (我们的旅行行程包括周一参观大峡谷和周三在优胜美地国家公园徒步旅行。)

- The tour company provided us with a detailed itinerary that outlines all of our activities for the week. (旅游公司为我们提供了详细的行程安排,列出了本周所有的活动。)

2. 交通和住宿的预订


- We booked our flights and hotel for the trip well in advance to avoid any last-minute issues. (我们提前预订了旅行期间的机票和酒店,以避免任何临时问题。)

- The travel agent helped us arrange transportation and lodging for the entire trip. (旅行帮助我们安排整个旅行的交通和住宿。)

3. 旅行中的特别要求和需求


- We informed the tour guide about our vegetarian diets and he made sure to arrange meals accordingly. (我们告知导游我们是素食主义者,他安排了相应的餐饮。)

- The hotel staff were very accommodating and provided us with a wheelchair to assist with my mother's mobility issues. (酒店工作人员非常周到,为我们提供了轮椅以帮助我母亲的行动不便。)

4. 紧急情况和备用计划


- We brought extra clothing and rain gear in case the weather turned bad during our hike. (我们带了额外的衣物和雨具,以防在徒步旅行中天气变坏。)

- The tour operator had a contingency plan in case any of the scheduled activities had to be canceled due to unforeseen cirtances. (旅游有一个备用计划,以防任何预定的活动因不可预见的情况而被取消。)


- Our travel itinerary includes visiting the Grand Canyon on Monday and hiking in Yosemite National Park on Wednesday.

- The tour company provided us with a detailed itinerary that outlines all of our activities for the week.

- We booked our flights and hotel for the trip well in advance to avoid any last-minute issues.

- The travel agent helped us arrange transportation and lodging for the entire trip.

- We informed the tour guide about our vegetarian diets and he made sure to arrange meals accordingly.

- The hotel staff were very accommodating and provided us with a wheelchair to assist with my mother's mobility issues.

- We brought extra clothing and rain gear in case the weather turned bad during our hike.

- The tour operator had a contingency plan in case any of the scheduled activities had to be canceled due to unforeseen cirtances.

- Our travel itinerary is subject to change depending on weather conditions and other factors.

- We have a backup plan in case any of our flights are delayed or canceled.


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