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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-06-22 13:58:12
  • 61


1. Abundant - meaning: plentiful, ample; frequently used in the context of resources or natural supplies; e.g. "The Amazon rainforest is abundant in biodiversity."

2. Acquire - meaning: to obtain, gain possession of; commonly used in the context of learning or acquiring a new skill; e.g. "She hoped to acquire fluency in Spanish by attending language cl."

3. Adhere - meaning: to stick to, follow closely; often used in the context of rules, regulations, or beliefs; e.g. "The school's dress code must be adhered to by all students."

4. Alleviate - meaning: to reduce, ease, or lessen; commonly used in the context of physical or emotional pain or suffering; e.g. "Painkillers can help alleviate the symptoms of a headache."

5. Ambiguous - meaning: unclear, ue; frequently used in the context of language or communication; e.g. "The instructions were ambiguous and difficult to understand."

6. Analyze - meaning: to examine, study closely; commonly used in the context of data, literature, or scientific research; e.g. "The scientists yzed the samples in order to identify the cause of the disease."

7. Antite - meaning: to expect, foresee; often used in the context of future events or actions; e.g. "We antite that the company will release a new product next year."

8. Appropriate - meaning: suitable, fitting; frequently used in the context of behavior or actions; e.g. "It is not appropriate to talk loudly in a library."

9. Articulate - meaning: to express clearly and coherently; commonly used in the context of speech or writing; e.g. "She was able to articulate her thoughts and ideas effectively during the debate."

10. Assert - meaning: to state confidently or forcefully; often used in the context of opinions or beliefs; e.g. "He asserted that he had the necessary qualifications for the job."

11. Authentic - meaning: genuine, real; frequently used in the context of products or experiences; e.g. "The antique furniture was authentic and displayed excellent craftsmanship."

12. Bias - meaning: prejudice, inclination, or preference towards one side; commonly used in the context of opinions or perspectives; e.g. "The news article displayed a clear bias towards one political party."

13. Cite - meaning: to quote or mention as evidence; often used in the context of research or academic writing; e.g. "She cited several scholarly articles in her research paper."

14. Coherent - meaning: logically consistent, easily understood; frequently used in the context of writing or speech; e.g. "The speaker's argument was coherent and well-organized."

15. Comply - meaning: to conform, follow rules or regulations; commonly used in the context of laws, policies, or agreements; e.g. "All employees must comply with the company's code of conduct."

16. Connotation - meaning: an idea or feeling associated with a word, beyond its literal or primary meaning; often used in the context of language or literature; e.g. "The connotation of 'home' can vary depending on cultural background or personal experience."

17. Consequence - meaning: outcome, result; frequently used in the context of actions or decisions; e.g. "The consequence of failing to meet the deadline was a loss of credibility with the client."

18. Constitute - meaning: to make up, form; commonly used in the context of groups or organizations; e.g. "The board of directors constituted a diverse group of professionals."

19. Correlate - meaning: to have a mutual relationship, to be linked or connected; often used in the context of data or statistics; e.g. "Studies have shown that there is a correlation between exercise and mental health."

20. Credible - meaning: believable, trustworthy; frequently used in the context of information or sources; e.g. "The journalist's article was credible and based on reliable sources."

21. Cumulative - meaning: increasing or growing in quantity, often over time; commonly used in the context of data or knowledge; e.g. "Her cumulative knowledge of the subject allowed her to excel on the exam."

22. Debunk - meaning: to expose as false or exaggerated; frequently used in the context of myths, legends, or misconceptions; e.g. "Scientific studies have debunked many of the myths surrounding the effects of caffeine."

23. Deduce - meaning: to conclude or infer based on evidence or reasoning; often used in the context of logic or deduction; e.g. "The detectives were able to deduce the suspect's location based on his previous movements."

24. Default - meaning: to fail to meet an obligation or requirement; frequently used in the context of finance or technology; e.g. "Her credit score suffered due to her defaulting on her loan payments."

25. Deficit - meaning: a shortage, gap, or deficiency; commonly used in the context of finance or economics; e.g. "The government's budget deficit was due to increased spending on public programs."

26. Denote - meaning: to indicate or represent; often used in the context of language or symbols; e.g. "The red traffic light denotes that drivers must stop."

27. Depict - meaning: to portray or describe in detail; frequently used in the context of art or literature; e.g. "The painting depicted a tranquil seaside town at sunset."

28. Derive - meaning: to obtain or come from a source; commonly used in the context of language or etymology; e.g. "The word 'sincere' is derived from the Latin 'sincerus', meaning 'pure'."

29. Designate - meaning: to assign or name for a specific purpose; often used in the context of roles, positions, or titles; e.g. "She was designated as the project manager due to her experience and leadership skills."

30. Deter - meaning: to discourage or prevent by instilling fear or doubt; frequently used in the context of crime or war; e.g. "The presence of police patrols deterred potential thieves from breaking into the store."


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