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camphor是什么意思 camphor的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-04-01 07:21:21
  • 61

camphor是什么意思 camphor的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

camphor的中文解释是"樟脑 、樟树",作为名词时有"莰酮"的意思,发音是[k'æmfə],camphor在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《英汉新词词典》中,共找到34个与camphor相关的释义和例句。



例句:"...camphor, boneset tea, but patient too distressed to drink.

翻译:"... 樟脑 兰草茶 但是患者喝药太痛苦。



例句:They'd put little bags of camphor in their children's underwear, as if that could do something.

翻译:他们将小袋的樟脑 放到孩子的内衣里 好像这么做能有什么帮助似的。



例句:(Laughter) So, what we see in the 17th, 18th century is the continued search for medications other than camphor that'll do the trick.

翻译:发展到17,18世纪 人类继续寻找除了樟脑外的其他办法。



例句:Give him a camphor injection!




camphor一般作为名词使用,如在dryobalanops camphor([医] 龙脑, 冰片)、Dryobalanops camphora Gaertner([医] 龙脑[香]树)、Eucalyptus camphora([网络] 樟脑桉)等常见短语中出现较多。

dryobalanops camphor[医] 龙脑, 冰片
Dryobalanops camphora Gaertner[医] 龙脑[香]树
Eucalyptus camphora[网络] 樟脑桉
eucalyptus camphoras[网络] 樟脑桉\n(eucalyptus camphora 的复数)
Parrish's camphor mixture[医] 帕里希氏樟脑合剂, 芳香樟脑合剂
pine camphor oil松醇油
red camphor oil[化] 红油
synthetic camphor powder合成樟脑粉


1. (Laughter) So, what we see in the 17th, 18th century is the continued search for medications other than camphor that'll do the trick.

翻译:发展到17,18世纪 人类继续寻找除了樟脑外的其他办法。

2. Give him a camphor injection!


3. The camphor oil does not stain but if you want to get undressed, go for it.

翻译:樟脑油不染色... ...但如果你想脱 随便。

4. Daddy, look! That camphor tree!


5. Plus, i react to the camphor. So i'm not into the traditional remedies.

翻译:而且我对樟脑过敏 所以不习惯传统疗法。

6. i would put that camphor rub on his chest, seemed to work.

翻译:我总是擦点樟脑膏在他口 I would put that camphor rub on his chest. 挺管用的 小的病了你可以试试 It seemed to work.。

7. They specialize in producing camphor wood boxes


8. it's a camphor box. it's sold down the street at the Mundy bazaar.

翻译:这是个樟脑盒 街尾的杂货小铺有卖。

9. The Jewesses' and Arabs' fragrance of camphor.


10. She needs camphor inhalations twice a day, uh, extract of allium a quarter ounce of nic and three of Filcher's Oil, but more if you can get it.

翻译:1∕4盎司砒霜跟3盎司菲尔查油 不过你拿得到的话就加量。

11. i'm in here, with a strong smell of camphor ball.

翻译:我在里面 有一股很浓的樟脑味。

12. Musk, cloves, sandalwood and camphor wrapped together.

翻译:-丁香 麝香 檀香 还加了些冰片。

13. i'll use camphor oil, okay?

翻译:我用樟脑油 好吗。

14. Actually, i read that camphor rub can cause lung damage.

翻译:I read that camphor rub can cause lung damage.。

15. i heard that when people faint, they could smell camphor.

翻译:这个... 我也不清楚。


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