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asao是什么意思 asao的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-10-26 09:53:01
  • 125

asao是什么意思 asao的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释




例句:i think Asao has had a little bit too much to drink. She suddenly felt sick.

翻译:我想阿佐绪她 今天多少喝了太多的酒水。





1. i see, it's the launch party for his book. Asao just told me it was a picture book.

翻译:这派对 就为纪念这本书的出版。

2. Asao's hair or her neck... her , her legs or her behind?

翻译:阿佐绪 她的脸 头发 脖子 她的部 腿 臀部 手。

3. Then probably Asao was just sinking to our level.

翻译:你说的这些 阿佐绪已经给我们上过课了。

4. i was thinking about Asao. i guess that's why i got lost.

翻译:大概是整天想著阿佐绪 才让我迷路的。

5. Ruiko Aota, Masami Akiba, Asao Ando...

翻译:不是这样的 青田类子 秋叶正已 裤田阿佐绪。

6. Someone said... something upsetting to Asao a few minutes ago.

翻译:那个... 刚刚 有个人对阿佐绪说了些 令她不愉快的事情。

7. Dear Lord, please grant eternal rest to Asao Hakamada, bless her with your light and comfort her.

翻译:让我们祈祷吧 主啊 请赋予裤田阿佐绪永久的安详。

8. i didn't know Asao lived here.


9. But i really wanted to see Asao.

翻译:可是 我忍不住要见阿佐绪。

10. - Twelve years have passed - since Masami disappeared in the ocean. - Three years after Asao died....

翻译:自从秋叶消失在大海 已过了12年。

11. Asao was adamant the only person she wanted was Ruiko. i see.

翻译:阿佐绪坚持只要青田类子您过来 怎样说都不听。

12. i'm so in love with Asao's back.

翻译:阿佐绪的后背 真让我受不了。

13. You'll have some, won't you Asao?



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