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tumbles是什么意思 tumbles的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-04-08 10:34:56
  • 64

tumbles是什么意思 tumbles的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释




例句:Goes to the sound it makes when it tumbles to the Jungle floor.

翻译:这名字跟它掉在地上的声音一模一样 Goes to the sound it makes when it tumbles to the Jungle floor.。



例句:The problem is that to make tumbles is much more amusing.

翻译:但问题是 练习翻筋斗比这个可要有趣多了。



例句:A sphere in motion tumbles along, picking up mass?

翻译:只要不停滚动 就会越滚越大。



例句:i'm sure your tumbles with Fiona are all perfectly adequate... very sanitary and hygienic in their way.

翻译:我确信你和费奥娜搞的时候一定是 非常卫生的。



tumbles一般作为名词使用,如在rough and tumbles(争夺;乱作一团)、stumbles across(un. 踌躇地转着;偶然发现;踌躇地转着;碰上)、stumbles into(un. 跌跌冲冲地从…走到…;跌进)等常见短语中出现较多。

rough and tumbles争夺;乱作一团
stumbles acrossun. 踌躇地转着;偶然发现;踌躇地转着;碰上
stumbles intoun. 跌跌冲冲地从…走到…;跌进
stumbles on无意中发现;偶然遇到,碰巧找到
stumbles upon偶然发现


1. A sphere in motion tumbles along, picking up mass?

翻译:只要不停滚动 就会越滚越大。

2. i'm sure your tumbles with Fiona are all perfectly adequate... very sanitary and hygienic in their way.

翻译:我确信你和费奥娜搞的时候一定是 非常卫生的。

3. Make one mistake, and the whole group tumbles with you.


4. Occasionally, larger prey also tumbles into the fatal funnel of the pitcher plant.

翻译:偶尔地, 也有较大猎物坠入 猪笼草那致命的捕虫笼中。

5. One freezing cold night, he tumbles out of his nest, lands on the ground.

翻译:在一个寒冷的夜晚 它跌出鸟巢 降落在地面上。

6. He used to be Seven Little Boys, he tumbles well

翻译:he tumbles well。

7. The child reaches for the kite, tumbles out the window, bounces off the awning, flying through the air, heading toward certain death, when, miraculously, it is caught by a shirtless Matthew McConaughey.

翻译:小孩伸手想抓风筝 滚出窗外 掉到雨篷 弹出去 飞在空中。

8. Thirty years after we disappear, glass tumbles onto deserted streets.

翻译:我们消失30年后 玻璃掉落在荒芜的街道上。

9. A trophic cascade is an ecological process which starts at the top of the food chain and tumbles all the way down to the bottom, and the classic example is what happened in the Yellowstone National Park in the United States when wolves were reintroduced in 1995.

翻译:营养级联是一个生态过程 从食物链的顶层开始 自上而下到达底层 最经典的例子是 美国黄石国家公园 1995 年重新放归狼群。

10. And there are times when i feel like i have taken very public tumbles and falls, like the time when i was asked to speak at a conference, and they wanted me to pay my way there.

翻译:有时候,我在公共场合 会感到十分受挫, 比如有一次, 我受邀去会议上发表演讲, 他们想让我自付差旅费。

11. Another misguided waif tumbles from the Devil's sin-mobile.

翻译:被误导的无辜的人 终于离开了恶魔的房车。

12. Tchaikovsky’s enthusiastic music tumbles forward in fits and starts, even cutting short some musical phrases to capture her impatience.

翻译:柴可夫斯基的音乐同样充满热情 一阵一阵地涌上前来, 他甚至将某些乐句缩短 来捕捉她的急性子。

13. As if every thought that tumbles through your head was so clever it would be a crime for it not to be shared.

翻译:好像你脑的想法都这么聪明 不分享倒成了罪过了。

14. They arrive with their cappuccino in the morning and i tumbles with syringes and my hero.

翻译:他们到达 他们在早晨卡布奇诺 我跌倒 用注射器和我心目中的英雄。




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