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bosnian是什么意思 bosnian的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-03-06 04:09:34
  • 63

bosnian是什么意思 bosnian的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释




例句:(MAN) For the past 12 months i've been working with Mi5 to monitor the activities of a small group of white-skinned Bosnian Muslim extremists.

翻译:(男性)过去12个月 我一直在与军情五处 监控活动 一小群 白皮肤 波斯尼亚极端分子。



例句:Dead Serbian soldiers were collected after a battle and used as barter for the return of prisoners or Bosnian soldiers killed in action.

翻译:一场战斗后战死的塞尔维亚士兵被集中起来 用来交换战俘 或者战死的波斯尼亚士兵。



例句:Yes. He is a Bosnian national, and one of KAOS' favorite munitions suppliers.

翻译:对,他是波斯尼亚人 混沌最受欢迎的一个军需供应商。



例句:When Bosnia's parliament voted for independence from Yugoslavia, Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic warned of violent consequences.

翻译:当波斯尼亚共和国议会投票决定 从独立的时候 波斯尼亚塞族领袖拉多凡. 卡拉季奇。





1. Yes. He is a Bosnian national, and one of KAOS' favorite munitions suppliers.

翻译:对,他是波斯尼亚人 混沌最受欢迎的一个军需供应商。

2. When Bosnia's parliament voted for independence from Yugoslavia, Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic warned of violent consequences.

翻译:当波斯尼亚共和国议会投票决定 从独立的时候 波斯尼亚塞族领袖拉多凡. 卡拉季奇。

3. Borders between the Bosniak territory and the Bosnian-Serb territory have calmed down.

翻译:在波斯尼亚人领地和 波斯尼亚-塞尔维亚人领地的边界平静了下来。

4. i've been in Bosnian refugee camps.


5. Dead Serbian soldiers were collected after a battle and used as barter for the return of prisoners or Bosnian soldiers killed in action.

翻译:一场战斗后战死的塞尔维亚士兵被集中起来 用来交换战俘 或者战死的波斯尼亚士兵。

6. Now there's actually nothing about him in the file, it's all been redacted, but his wife Rina is a Bosnian.

翻译:文件里算是什么也没有 都被修改过 但是他妻子丽娜是个波斯尼亚人。

7. Their repertoire includes the Croatian national anthem, a Bosnian love song and Serbian duets.

翻译:她们的表演项目包括 克罗地亚国歌, 一首波斯尼亚爱情歌 和一些塞尔维亚对唱。

8. According to our source from interpol it's believed that Pavlov one of the world terorists including the mass murder of hundreds of bosnian civillians was travelling with a false passport.

翻译:另据消息,参与波士尼亚大的斯洛夫邦. 巴普诺夫 正在使用著假护照到处旅行。

9. Here at the Bosnian barricade we do not know if this is yet another mission impossible or if, indeed, they will actually decide to do something.

翻译:这里是波斯尼亚族的哨卡 我们不知道这是不是个不可能完成的任务 如果是的话 他们应该要做点什么了。

10. Borders between the Bosniak territory and the Bosnian-Serb territory have calmed down.

翻译:在波斯尼亚人领地和 波斯尼亚-塞尔维亚人领地的边界平静了下来。

11. Well, that's true, sir, but neither of us has a Bosnian accent.

翻译:这是事实,先生 但是我们都没有波斯尼亚口音。

12. The roads out are closed and the airport is held by Bosnian-Serb forces.

翻译:公路被关闭 飞被塞族控制。

13. You can probably just make out behind me, as i'm speaking to you the Serbian soldier, limping, closely followed by the Bosnian soldier.

翻译:现在在画面上大家可以看到 那名塞族士兵一瘸一拐的走了出来 紧随其后的就是那名波族士兵。

14. Muslims, Croats and Serbs have lived comfortably together in the Bosnian capital for decades, forging friendships and intermarrying.

翻译:,克族和塞族人已经相安无事地 在波斯尼亚首都生活了数十年 相互友好甚至通婚。

15. The Bosnian soldier who guided me told me that all of his friends were there now.

翻译:给我带路的波斯尼亚士兵告诉我 他所有的朋友都留在这里了。


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