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generational是什么意思 generational的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-03-15 02:30:45
  • 80

generational是什么意思 generational的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释




例句:Probably the biggest change was understanding that the generational difference, the ages, had changed so much.

翻译:或者说最大的改变 那是对于不同年代不同观念的理解 时代改变了太多。



例句:And we have to find a way to create, in the generation of those alive today, a sense of generational mission.

翻译:我们必须找到一个途径来培养 在世的这一代人代际使命的责任感。



例句:Part of it is almost a generational issue.



4.一代人的 、的

例句:-i think we have a generational gap.




generational一般作为名词使用,如在generational mobility(世代流动)、generational sterility(发生的不孕性)、generational unit(世代单位)等常见短语中出现较多。

generational mobility世代流动
generational sterility发生的不孕性
generational unit世代单位
intergenerational equality世代间平等


1. Part of it is almost a generational issue.


2. -i think we have a generational gap.


3. The generational impact of this nicotine-reduction policy is profound.

翻译:这个减少的政策会带来深远 的世代影响。

4. in the African-American communities from which i come, we have a long-standing multi-generational joke about what we call "CP time," or "colored people's time."

翻译:在我来自的非裔美国人社区里, 我们有个代代相传的笑话 关于我们所称的“CP时间” 或“有色人种时间”。

5. We have five generations in the workplace today, and we can operate like separate isolationist countries, or we can actually start to find a way to bridge these generational borders.

翻译:今天我们在工作场所五代同堂, 我们可以像割裂的 孤立主义国家那样运作, 或者,可以开始寻找 跨越这些代间鸿沟的方法。

6. (Applause) Bruno Giussani: Harry, even if you just said the science may not have some answers, i would like to ask you a couple of questions, and the first is: building something like the LHC is a generational project.

翻译:Bruno Giussani (BG): 哈利,尽管你刚提到 科学也许无法回答这些问题, 我还是想问问你几个问题, 第一个问题是: 建造大型强子对撞机 是一个世代的工程。

7. We're ending generational cycles of suffering.


8. And we have to find a way to create, in the generation of those alive today, a sense of generational mission.

翻译:我们必须找到一个途径来培养 在世的这一代人代际使命的责任感。

9. But i'm increasingly now thinking about how we close the generational gap, because look at these young children in the streets around the world -- they're asking us to lead.

翻译:现在更多的在思考 该如何缩小年龄差距, 因为当我看到现在年纪小的孩子 在全世界的街头呼吁—— 他们在要求我们去领导。

10. Now, why am i saying "generational"?


11. A lot of that wealth can be seen today through generational wealth.

翻译:很多今天的财富都是 代代相传下来的。

12. it's generational. But things are getting better.

翻译:这个是历史遗留问题 但情况确实在好转。

13. And these two things combined would result in the saving of more than eight million cigarette-related deaths that would otherwise have occurred from the generational impact of this.

翻译:这两件事情相结合 可以拯救那些本会因 世代影响而导致的 800 多万例吸烟有关的死亡。

14. But i think what's happened is that this focus on generational cohorts, these groups of people, has created a space where we just forgot that people are people.

翻译:但是我认为, 对一代人的关注, 对一代又一代人的关注, 打造了这样一个环境—— 我们忘了大家都是人。

15. Probably the biggest change was understanding that the generational difference, the ages, had changed so much.

翻译:或者说最大的改变 那是对于不同年代不同观念的理解 时代改变了太多。


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