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givers是什么意思 givers的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-03-09 14:33:37
  • 150

givers是什么意思 givers的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释




例句:Some are just givers who got burned one too many times.




例句:(Laughter) And, unexpectedly, the worst performers in each of these jobs were the givers.

翻译:(笑声) 出乎意料的是, 上述工作中表现最差的都是付出者。



givers一般作为名词使用,如在gift givers([网络] 赠予者)、lease givers([网络] 租赁者\n(lease giver 的复数))等常见短语中出现较多。

gift givers[网络] 赠予者
lease givers[网络] 租赁者\n(lease giver 的复数)


1. And those five-minute favors are really critical to helping givers set boundaries and protect themselves.

翻译:这些“五分钟小忙”对于帮助付出者 划分界限和保护自己十分重要。

2. (Laughter) Disagreeable givers are the most undervalued people in our organizations, because they're the ones who give the critical feedback that no one wants to hear but everyone needs to hear.

翻译:(笑声) 亲和力弱的付出者 是组织中最被低估的人, 因为他们给出的 批评性建议没人爱听, 但是每个人都需要去听。

3. So i wondered, then, if givers are the worst performers, who are the best performers?

翻译:于是我想知道, 既然付出者的工作表现不好, 那谁的表现最好呢。

4. There are disagreeable givers in our organizations.

翻译:亲和力弱的付出者 在组织中随处可见。

5. The great thing about a culture of givers is that's not a delusion -- it's reality.

翻译:值得庆幸的是 付出者的文化并不是妄想, 而是现实。

6. And even though all of the experiments and all of the big givers don't yet fulfill this aspiration, i think this is the new zeitgeist: open, big, fast, connected, and, let us also hope, long.

翻译:即使那些巨额捐赠者的 实验都没有全都成功 我还是会认为我们已经进入了新的时代 一个开放的、大规模的、快速发展的、相互联系的时代 让我们同样希望。

7. What you can see is that the givers go to both extremes.

翻译:你们应该能发现, 付出者在两个极端。

8. in every job, in every organization i've ever studied, the best results belong to the givers again.

翻译:在我研究的每种职业,每个组织中 工作表现最好的也是付出者。

9. Lucky for us dogs, we're just born joy-givers.

翻译:我们狗狗幸运多了 天生就是开心果。

10. Make fun of the United Wish Givers, you deserve to...

翻译:居然开这种玩笑 你去死吧。

11. For, to the le mind, rich gifts wax poor when givers prove unkind.

翻译:因为送礼的人一旦变了心 重礼也变轻。

12. You take hard-working citizens, add some care-givers, maybe a few nuts!

翻译:勤劳的市民、热心的民众 一些秀“豆”的人。

13. i want to talk about what it takes to build cultures where givers actually get to succeed.

翻译:因此, 我想聊聊怎样的组织文化 才会让付出者取得成功。

14. The United Wish Givers Foundation is happy to make this fine young man's wish a reality.


15. Which raises the question: How do we create a world where more of these givers get to excel?

翻译:这又提出了一个问题: 我们应该创造怎样的世界, 能让更多付出者成功呢。




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