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grizzled是什么意思 grizzled的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-08-07 16:30:03
  • 105

grizzled是什么意思 grizzled的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

grizzled的中文解释是"灰色的 、头发斑白的",其中文解释还有"灰色的"的意思,发音是[gr'izəld],grizzled在英语中经常以形容词形式出现,在《荷林斯英英小词典》中,共找到76个与grizzled相关的用法和句子。



例句:Another very tall, grizzled rock star, my friend Sir Bob Geldof, issued a challenge to "feed the world."

翻译:非常高大,头发斑白的摇滚巨星,兼我的朋友 鲍勃·格尔多夫 爵士,挑战我 来“喂养世界”。



例句:i'm the grizzled old guy, and you're the young kid who thinks he knows everything.

翻译:我是头发斑白的老人 你是自以为是的小伙子。



例句:Huang is a grizzled old cop who survives.

翻译:黄飞红呢 是局里出了名的老油条 Huang is a grizzled old cop who survives.。



例句:- His beard was grizzled, no?

翻译:他的胡子是灰白的 嗯。



grizzled一般作为形容词、动词使用,如在malm grizzled brick(欠烧软砖)、grizzled skipper([网络] 白边点弄蝶)、grizzled skippers([网络] 灰熊船长)等常见短语中出现较多。

malm grizzled brick欠烧软砖
grizzled skipper[网络] 白边点弄蝶
grizzled skippers[网络] 灰熊船长
malm grizzled brick欠烧软砖


1. Huang is a grizzled old cop who survives.

翻译:黄飞红呢 是局里出了名的老油条 Huang is a grizzled old cop who survives.。

2. - His beard was grizzled, no?

翻译:他的胡子是灰白的 嗯。

3. Another very tall, grizzled rock star, my friend Sir Bob Geldof, issued a challenge to "feed the world."

翻译:非常高大,头发斑白的摇滚巨星,兼我的朋友 鲍勃·格尔多夫 爵士,挑战我 来“喂养世界”。

4. They'd expected some grizzled


5. My character is a grizzled LAPD detective who's confined to a wheelchair.

翻译:我的角色 是一名头发灰白的洛杉矶警局探长 他被困在轮椅上。

6. He's middle-aged, has grizzled hair which he has had cut within the last few days, and which he anoints with lime-cream.

翻译:是个中年人 头发灰白 最近几天刚理过发 头发上还抹了柠檬膏。

7. Their leader, a grizzled veteran at 43 years old, inured to war since he was 10, descendent of Genghis Khan and Tamburlaine.

翻译:他是成吉思汗和帖木儿的后人 从十岁起就对战争司空见惯了。

8. The further points, that he is middle-aged, that his hair is grizzled, that it has been cut recently.

翻译:此外还有几点 他是个中年人 头发灰白 最近刚理过发。

9. if you take these old surviving cells and compete them, also under starvation conditions, against a new, fast-growing culture of E. coli, the grizzled old tough guys beat out the squeaky clean upstarts every single time.

翻译:如果你取下这些年老的 存活下来的细胞, 让它们在饥饿的条件下, 和一些新的、快速成长的 大肠杆菌竞争, 这些头发花白、吃苦耐劳的老年人 每一次都打败了吱吱作响的 干净的新贵。




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