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atacama是什么意思 atacama的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-09-27 12:06:52
  • 198

atacama是什么意思 atacama的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释




例句:So it took me from places like Chile -- the Atacama Desert in Chile -- to Siberia, to underground mines in the Japanese Alps, in Northern America, all the way to Antarctica and even to the South Pole.

翻译:正是这种感受,指引我走过了许多地方,比如像,从智利 从智利的Atacama沙漠 到西伯利亚 到过地下矿井 无论是日本阿尔卑斯山脉,还是在北美的 一直到南极洲 甚至进入了南极圈。



例句:it's time to move north again, from the fertile centre of Chile to the bare and spectacular landscape of the Atacama Desert.




例句:in the Atacama, there are places with no reported rains in the last 400 years.

翻译:而在阿塔卡马, 有些地方在过去400年 都没有降水的报道。



例句:From Siberia to the Atacama Desert in Chile, to see something called The Very Large Telescope.

翻译:从西伯利亚一直到智利的阿塔卡马沙漠, 去观察一种巨型望远镜。



atacama一般作为名词使用,如在puna de atacama([网络] 阿塔卡马高原)等常见短语中出现较多。

puna de atacama[网络] 阿塔卡马高原


1. in the Atacama, there are places with no reported rains in the last 400 years.

翻译:而在阿塔卡马, 有些地方在过去400年 都没有降水的报道。

2. From Siberia to the Atacama Desert in Chile, to see something called The Very Large Telescope.

翻译:从西伯利亚一直到智利的阿塔卡马沙漠, 去观察一种巨型望远镜。

3. The reason why you have to build these telescopes in places like the Atacama Desert is because of the high altitude desert.

翻译:至于一定要建造这些望远镜 在想Atacama沙漠这样的地方的原因 是因为这里是高纬度的沙漠地带。

4. Trapped between the high Andes and the cold, rainless offs current, there are places in the Atacama where no rain has ever fallen.

翻译:夹在高耸的安第斯山脉 和寒冷无雨的离岸流之间, 阿塔卡马有些地方从来没有下过雨。

5. Now for an Atacama breakfast - an egg boiled on the earth's crust.

翻译:现在,准备来一次 阿塔卡马 早餐 - 地壳煮鸡蛋。

6. The reason why you have to build these telescopes in places like the Atacama Desert is because of the high altitude desert.

翻译:至于一定要建造这些望远镜 在想Atacama沙漠这样的地方的原因 是因为这里是高纬度的沙漠地带。

7. Further inland the air remains so warm that its moisture does not condense so this slender strip of desert is virtually the only part of the Atacama where life can exist.

翻译:在更远的内陆地区, 空气一直十分灼热,水汽无法凝结 因此这个狭长地带实际上是 阿塔卡马沙漠中唯一的生命绿洲。

8. Well, because i was born and raised in the Atacama -- (Laughter) So i had a unique advantage when i started studying this desert.

翻译:因为我出生并成长在阿塔卡马—— (笑声) 所以当我开始研究这片沙漠时, 就已经具备了独特的优势。

9. Listen, i don't have six months to explain to you the complex geology of the Atacama Desert...


10. This individual lives in the Atacama Desert in Chile, and it happens to be 3,000 years old.

翻译:这种植物生活在智利的阿卡塔玛沙漠, 已有三千年的历史了。

11. This individual lives in the Atacama Desert in Chile, and it happens to be 3,000 years old.

翻译:这种植物生活在智利的阿卡塔玛沙漠, 已有三千年的历史了。

12. So, i'm in Chile, in the Atacama desert, sitting in a hotel lobby, because that's the only place that i can get a Wi-Fi connection, and i have this picture up on my screen, and a woman comes up behind me.

翻译:当时我在智利, 坐在阿塔卡马沙漠一家酒店的大厅里, 因为那是我能找到的唯一有无线网络的地方。当时在我电脑屏幕上显示的是这张照片。正好有一位女士从我的身后走过来。

13. Due to its clear skies, by 2020, 60 percent of the biggest telescopes on Earth will be located in the Atacama, and while everyone else will be looking among the stars to answer the question, "Are we alone?"

翻译:得益于它晴朗的天空,到2020年, 地球上60%的大型天文望远镜 将会被安装在阿塔卡马, 在每个人都将抬头望向星空去寻找 “我们独自存在于宇宙中吗?” 这个问题的答案时。

14. This is ACT, the Atacama Cosmology Telescope.

翻译:这是ACT, 阿卡塔玛宇宙望远镜。

15. From Siberia to the Atacama Desert in Chile, to see something called The Very Large Telescope.

翻译:从西伯利亚一直到智利的阿塔卡马沙漠, 去观察一种巨型望远镜。


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