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endowed是什么意思 endowed的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-02-11 01:25:20
  • 98

endowed是什么意思 endowed的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释




例句:To the old ones, endowed with powers of love and attraction... bind my fate to that of the one i desire.

翻译:请赋予我爱的引力 连长者也爱我 把我的命运与我渴望的人捆在一起。



例句:And? And Hector is very well-endowed.




例句:i was endowed with such a mystic opportunity to visit the relic of what was once glorious

翻译:可以有此神秘机缘 在这曾经诸神辉煌吵嚷的 遗迹旧址。



例句:But he's very well endowed and sometimes i just can't handle him that long.

翻译:但是他安排得很好 有的时候我等不了那么久。



endowed一般作为动词使用,如在well endowed(大的)、endowed by nature(天赋)、endowed chair([网络] 讲席教授;椅子教授;讲座教授)等常见短语中出现较多。

well endowed大的
endowed by nature天赋
endowed chair[网络] 讲席教授;椅子教授;讲座教授
endowed chairs[网络] 捐献的职位;讲座;教授职位
endowed college私立学院


1. i was endowed with such a mystic opportunity to visit the relic of what was once glorious

翻译:可以有此神秘机缘 在这曾经诸神辉煌吵嚷的 遗迹旧址。

2. But he's very well endowed and sometimes i just can't handle him that long.

翻译:但是他安排得很好 有的时候我等不了那么久。

3. A man of 40, of enormous stature endowed with a stallion's member.

翻译:他40岁,身材魁梧 像个种马那样。

4. Allan has a id size. They are well-endowed.


5. "Being well-endowed can be much more tricky than being small.


6. And let's not also forget that Africa is endowed with vast natural resources, including significant renewable potential.

翻译:我们也不能忘记, 非洲拥有得天独厚的丰富自然资源, 其中包含了可观的可再生潜能。

7. Would this be an inopportune time to remind you... was very well endowed monetarily when you had occasion to marry her?

翻译:也许现在我应该提醒你 别把她结婚的事情和钱联系的太多。

8. "Likewise, due to the depth of her inal injuries... we may deduce that the assailant was very well-endowed."

翻译:"同样地" "根据她受伤的深度" "我们能推论..."。

9. But you see, i am endowed with talent, and you with money.

翻译:我有我的才能 而你的是财富。

10. if someone were to tell me that there exist among us authentic magicians, saints, bodhisattvas, or anyone endowed with miraculous powers,

翻译:如果现在有人告诉我 我们周围真的存在著魔术师 圣人,菩萨什么的 或者拥有神奇力量的人。

11. And that's certainly true of our gregarious and loquatious species, well endowed with the instinct for language.

翻译:这些的确符合我们作为合群的 和话多的物种的本性, 授予了语言的本能。

12. When you leave this building, you will be endowed with all my powers. Sure.

翻译:当你离开这儿 就会有天神一般的神力。

13. The Provost, the Vice-Chancellor, the Associate Vice-Chancellor, Endowed Professors and half the collegiate board of governors.

翻译:教务长 副院长... ...有权任命教授以及校董事会委员... ...的耶鲁大学副校长。

14. Reality and history have endowed that title with grandeur.


15. it doesn't know how to survive, even though it is endowed with an instinct to survive.

翻译:他甚至不知如何才能活下来, 尽管人人都生而有生存的本能。




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