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visionaries是什么意思 visionaries的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-08-27 07:13:41
  • 125

visionaries是什么意思 visionaries的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释




例句:in my experience, these rare visionaries who can think across the worlds of art, design and engineering have the ability to notice when others have provided enough of the miracles to bring the goal within reach.

翻译:以我的经验,在这些罕见的预言家中, 能够跨越艺术、设计、 和工程的世界思考的人, 就有能力察觉 什么时候其他人提供了足够多的奇迹 以至于目标是可以实现的了。



例句:- venerable tradition of sorcerers, shamans and visionaries who have perfected the art of dream travel the so-called lucid dream state, where, by controlling your dreams you can discover things beyond your apprehension in your awake state.

翻译:魔术师 ,巫师,和其他空想家的古老传统 那些人将梦游术完美化 所谓的清醒的梦境。



例句:They have to be properly credited as being visionaries.




例句:Now they're all very practical visionaries.






1. They have to be properly credited as being visionaries.


2. Now they're all very practical visionaries.


3. Their rulers were not only practical men but visionaries,

翻译:我们能用21世纪的标准评判过去吗? 还是用他们的时代衡量我们。

4. And in this moment of extraordinary international uncertainty, when our multilateral institutions are paralyzed and our nation-states are in retreat, cities and their leaders are our new 21st-century visionaries.

翻译:与此第一,国际上的不确定性很高 当我们的多国制度瘫痪时 我们的民族国家也在 城市和它们的领导是我们21世界的前瞻者。

5. And so suddenly, ladies and gentlemen, what has been the proposition of visionaries and poets down the ages becomes something we have to take seriously as a matter of public policy.

翻译:女士先生们,非常突然地 无论是有远见的智者或敏感细腻的诗人 他们都建议 我们必须认真 视之为公共政策问题。

6. So the question is, what can the rest of us learn about fear from visionaries and young children?

翻译:问题就来了, 我们其他人如何能从这些 梦想家和小孩子身上学会恐惧。

7. And so suddenly, ladies and gentlemen, what has been the proposition of visionaries and poets down the ages becomes something we have to take seriously as a matter of public policy.

翻译:女士先生们,非常突然地 无论是有远见的智者或敏感细腻的诗人 他们都建议 我们必须认真 视之为公共政策问题。

8. There was a lot of experimentation and uncertainty but also a bit of luck involved, particularly in the fact that we could count on a number of brilliant visionaries, cryptographers and engineers.

翻译:当时有许多的试验 和不确定性, 也掺杂了一些运气, 幸运的是,我们可以依靠 许多优秀的有远见的人, 密码学家和工程师。

9. He was one of their alleged visionaries. Came here in '81 to St.john's Church downtown.

翻译:曾经有过预言 1981年来到圣若望教堂。

10. Following in the footsteps of visionaries such as BF Skinner imagined a large-scale communal research compound where scientists and free-thinkers from around the globe could pursue research in meteorology, psychology, parapsychology, zoology.

翻译:他俩延续诸如斯金纳等 未来观察家的研究... 规划大规模的自治研究大楼区 让全世界的科学家 和自由派人士一同研究...。

11. Now they're all very practical visionaries.


12. But one of the things i do to remind myself of greater possibilities is to learn from visionaries in other cities.


13. So the question is, what can the rest of us learn about fear from visionaries and young children?

翻译:问题就来了, 我们其他人如何能从这些 梦想家和小孩子身上学会恐惧。

14. But one of the things i do to remind myself of greater possibilities, is to learn from visionaries in other cities.


15. i get essential resources into the hands of people and visionaries on the front lines, doing work that matters.

翻译:我把必不可少的资源 提供给有远见卓识、 工作在一线的人们, 让他们去做重要的工作。




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