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farrells是什么意思 farrells的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-09-19 12:21:21
  • 94

farrells是什么意思 farrells的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释




例句:-To hell with them farrells!

翻译:法雷尔家族 下地狱吧 To hell with them Farrells。



例句:-i said it was you farrells behind this.

翻译:都说了是你们这帮法雷尔在背后捣鬼 I said it was you Farrells behind this.。



farrells一般作为名词使用,如在eileen farrells([网络] 法雷尔;法瑞儿;艾伊连·法瑞尔\n(eileen farrell 的复数))、james thomas farrells([网络] 詹姆斯·托马斯·法雷尔\n(james thomas farrell 的复数))等常见短语中出现较多。

eileen farrells[网络] 法雷尔;法瑞儿;艾伊连·法瑞尔\n(eileen farrell 的复数)
james thomas farrells[网络] 詹姆斯·托马斯·法雷尔\n(james thomas farrell 的复数)


1. So, listen, i-i just -- i say leave them farrells be, [ tered booing ] and more importantly,

翻译:听我说 放过法雷尔家族 So, listen, I -I just -。

2. -The farrells seem to have a particular fascination

翻译:内德 法雷尔家族看来 The Farrells seem to have a particular fascination。

3. -Uncle wade, are you gonna kick the farrells off their land?

翻译:韦德叔叔 你要把法雷尔家族从山上赶走吗 Uncle Wade, are you gonna kick the Farrells off their land。

4. -Well, it has to be the farrells.

翻译:肯定是法雷尔家干的 Well, it has to be the Farrells.。

5. - You know, like 'em or not, the Farrells are part of this community.

翻译:- You know, like 'em or not, 法雷尔都是镇子的一部分 the Farrells are part of this community.。

6. We're thinking it might be one of them Farrells.

翻译:警局认为可能跟法雷尔家族有关连 We're thinking it might be one of them farrells.。

7. Farrells don't kill Farrells.

翻译:法雷尔不得自相残杀 Farrells don't kill Farrells.。

8. Was selling moonshine for the farrells.

翻译:在帮法雷尔卖酒 Was selling moonshine for the farrells.。

9. How many Farrells are up there?

翻译:法雷尔家有多少人住山上 How many Farrells are up there。

10. - and them Farrells don't.

翻译:法雷尔却不用 我们不上去 - and them Farrells don't.。

11. - with them Farrells, would you?

翻译:马上滚出去 不然我叫律师了 You get out of here right now or I will call my attorney.。

12. i got a bad feeling the Farrells are involved.

翻译:I got a bad feeling the Farrells are involved.。

13. Farrells are part of the history of this place.

翻译:法雷尔已经成为本县历史的一部分 Farrells are part of the history of this place.。

14. - What the hell? Farrells, put 'em all back and go home! You hear me?

翻译:放下手里的东西 滚回家去 Farrell, put 'em all back and go home。

15. But one thing we won't accomplish tonight is find a way to get the Farrells off the mountain so we can get up there, get coal, and get jobs.

翻译:但是把法雷尔赶出那座山 让采煤顺利进行 But one thing we won't accomplish tonight 大家都能有工作 这事得从长计议 is find a way to get the Farrells off the mountain 不是一个晚上能搞定的 so we can get up there, get coal, and get jobs.。




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