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reusing是什么意思 reusing的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-02-22 10:13:20
  • 82

reusing是什么意思 reusing的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释




例句:And that will stop reusing a syringe 20 or 30 times.




例句:And so he's able to tell a story about this blacksmith in Kibera and turn it into a story about repurposing technology, about innovating from constraint, about looking for inspiration based on reusing materials.

翻译:所以他可以知道 这个内罗毕的铁匠的故事 并且将这个变废为宝的故事写出来 这个故事也体现了“局限出创新”的观点 让我们看到了废物利用的许多可能。



例句:Because when we think about reusing and recycling, metals, glass, things like that, can be recycled as many times as you like.

翻译:因为像那些能重复利用 和回收再利用的东西, 比如金属、玻璃等等, 都能被回收再利用很多次。



例句:So you're reusing your energy five or six times, and that brings the efficiency up to between 30 and 40 percent.




reusing一般作为名词、动词使用,如在reusing industrial effluent(业废水再利用)等常见短语中出现较多。

reusing industrial effluent业废水再利用


1. Because when we think about reusing and recycling, metals, glass, things like that, can be recycled as many times as you like.

翻译:因为像那些能重复利用 和回收再利用的东西, 比如金属、玻璃等等, 都能被回收再利用很多次。

2. So you're reusing your energy five or six times, and that brings the efficiency up to between 30 and 40 percent.


3. And it, again, takes the idea of reducing, reusing, but then also with economic advantage.

翻译:还是基于减少使用,重复利用的概念, 但同时能给经济带来好处。

4. Selling eggs, growing vegetables, reusing everything we can may be the only thing to keep us out of poorhouse.

翻译:贩卖鸡蛋,自种蔬菜,重复利用能用的一切... ...可能是唯一能让我们不进救济院的办法.。

5. No. i'm reducing, reusing and recycling.

翻译:才不是 我是在做资源回收。

6. The clinics save on health care by reusing needles up to 200 times.

翻译:诊所重复使用针头降低开支 最多重复了200次。

7. We found that most people knew they were not supposed to write their password down, and only 13 percent of them did, but disturbingly, 80 percent of people said they were reusing their password.

翻译:我们发现大部分人知道 他们不应该把他们的密码写下来 并且只有13%的人会把密码写下来 但是与之矛盾的是 有80%的人会重复使用同一个密码。

8. What about copying, reusing, right?


9. And that will stop reusing a syringe 20 or 30 times.


10. And so he's able to tell a story about this blacksmith in Kibera and turn it into a story about repurposing technology, about innovating from constraint, about looking for inspiration based on reusing materials.

翻译:所以他可以知道 这个内罗毕的铁匠的故事 并且将这个变废为宝的故事写出来 这个故事也体现了“局限出创新”的观点 让我们看到了废物利用的许多可能。

11. This bench, although it was uncomfortable for my mom -- she didn't like sitting on it, so she went and bought these cushions for me from a local jumble sale -- reusing, a job that was pretty good.

翻译:这张长椅,虽然我妈坐上去很不舒服, 她很不喜欢坐在上头, 但她跑到当地的杂货拍卖店买了些椅垫, 全是回收再制作的,手工还不赖。

12. i keep showing examples where everyone's reusing everything on-site.

翻译:我不断的拿出各种例子, 其中每个人都在重复使用每一样东西。

13. The strength of the spiral is the simplicity of finding a pattern and reusing the same logic from start to finish.

翻译:螺旋循环的优点在于, 它简单地找到一个模式, 并从头到尾循序相同逻辑。

14. And i think they highlight that while reducing, reusing and recycling are important, they alone are not going to be enough to solve this problem.

翻译:并且我认为它们还指出, 尽管减少使用、再次利用 和回收非常重要, 但仅通过这些方法是 不足以解决这个问题的。

15. This society lives within the limits of its non-renewable resources by reusing and recycling everything.

翻译:他们尽可能地使用可再生能源 如太阳能 重力能 地热能和磁能等。




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