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wembley是什么意思 wembley的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-12-10 05:32:22
  • 124

wembley是什么意思 wembley的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释




例句:That means it'd be the Charity Shield at Wembley... in a month's time.

翻译:这意味着一个月后 可以参加在温布利的慈善盾杯。



wembley一般作为名词使用,如在Wembley Stadium(温布利体育场)等常见短语中出现较多。

Wembley Stadium温布利体育场


1. i'll send it to you along with the location of the chopper and the gate code for Wembley.

翻译:我会把它跟直升机地点 和球场入口号一起发给你。

2. Today a Midlands art gallery goes to support the local football club, tomorrow the Royal Opera House grant goes to modernise Wembley Stadium.

翻译:今天卖一座美术馆 救一支足球队 Today a gallery goes to support the local football club, 明天就要拿皇家歌剧院基金去修温布利球场了 tomorrow the Opera grant goes to modernise Wembley。

3. This is the BBC National Programme and Empire Service taking you to Wembley Stadium for the closing ceremony of the Empire Exhibition, where His Royal Highness, the Duke of York, will read a message from his father, His Majesty King George V.

翻译:这里是英国广播公司帝国服务的国家频道 (BBC前身) 从温布利运动场 为您直播帝国博览会闭幕式的盛况 约克公爵殿下...。

4. Bertie, i heard yοu at Wembley.


5. Ladies and gentlemen, Wembley, please welcome the teams.

翻译:女士们,先生们,温布利 请欢迎团队。

6. And 100,000 people, that's 10,000 more than can fit into Wembley Stadium, had turned out to watch.

翻译:有整整10万人 前来观看, 比整个温布利球场可容纳的观众 还要多1万人。

7. You need Wembley Stadium to host our parliament.


8. And don't worry, we'll get you ViP p when we play Wembley.

翻译:别担心 我们在温布利演出时会给你VIP通行证的。

9. How long till we get to Wembley?


10. i want you to get me to Wembley Stadium in complete secrecy, and i want you to do it now.

翻译:我要你神不知鬼不觉地 立刻把我送到温布利体育场。

11. Be at Wembley Stadium, in the center of the pitch, in one hour.

翻译:一个小时内赶到 温布利体育场的赛场中央。

12. Communism existed once, for two times 45 minutes... at Wembley Stadium... when Budapest's Honved beat England 6 to 3.

翻译:主义曾经存在过,两次45分钟... 在维博雷露天运动场... 当布达佩斯的霍韦德以6。

13. in Keegan's case, he brilliantly admitted in the tunnel at Wembley that he wasn't up to the job.

翻译:Keegan的聪明之处在于在Wembley 就承认自己不能胜任这份工作。

14. You need Wembley Stadium to host our parliament.


15. Do you know what a flaw is, Wembley? A flaw?





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