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wace是什么意思 wace的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-02-17 10:12:31
  • 125

wace是什么意思 wace的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释




例句:- Yeah. - Trunny: Hey Wace, your brother's here!

翻译:your brother's here。



例句:After reading Wace’s translation, another French poet, Chretien de Troyes, wrote a series of romances that catapulted Arthur’s story to fame.

翻译:在读过韦斯翻译后, 另一位法国诗人克雷蒂安 · 德 · 特鲁瓦 写了许多传奇, 把亚瑟故事的名声推到顶峰。



wace一般作为名词使用,如在microwace circuitry(微波电路学)等常见短语中出现较多。

microwace circuitry微波电路学


1. - He's not your punching bag Wace.

翻译:威斯 他不是你的出气筒 He's not your punching bag Wace.。

2. - Wace: You're never gonna know what i'm talking about, will you?

翻译:will you。

3. Hey Wace. Look what i found on the doorstep, fleas and all.

翻译:fleas and all.。

4. Geoffrey’s chronicle got the attention he’d hoped for, and was soon translated from Latin into French by the poet Wace around 1155 CE.

翻译:他的编史带来了他想要的关注, 这本书很快就被诗人韦斯在 1155 年 由拉丁语翻译成法语。

5. i was explaining to Wace that the way she moved resembled a cow.

翻译:我只是跟威斯说她的动作像头奶牛 I was explaining to Wace that the way she moved resembled a cow.。

6. So we have to be in... ..Wace in exactly one week.

翻译:我们现在应该是在••• 威斯呆一周。

7. Wace added another centerpiece of Arthurian lore to Geoffrey’s sword, castle, and wizard: the Round Table.

翻译:韦斯给杰弗里的剑加了其他传说。城堡、 男巫、 和圆桌会议。

8. Wace, your brother's here!

翻译:your brother's here。

9. - ...but when he woke up i was the one he saw.

翻译:- 但他醒来后只看到我 - Wace! - ...。

10. - Did you hear it Wace? - Wace: Yep.

翻译:everyone heard it.。

11. Leave it alone Wace! Aah, you're just guilty, 'cause you were there as well, now you've got just as much to hide.

翻译:别说了 威斯 Leave it alone Wace! 但是你没勇气面对 now you've got just as much to hide.。

12. Wace, you're not thinking straight.

翻译:you're not thinking straight.。

13. - Fuck you're a . - Coppa: Hey Wace, this doesn't have to happen.

翻译:this doesn't have to happen.。

14. - Coppa: Wace! - You know it could have been you...

翻译:本来陪着他的可能是你 You know it could have been you...。

15. Quilty can't be here in our studio because he's in Wace, Texas tonight... ..working on the premiere of his brand-new play.

翻译:奎尔第今晚可以来我们演播室,因为他现在在德克萨斯,威斯 正在写他的最新话剧的第一章。




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