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newtonian是什么意思 newtonian的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-03-03 15:57:32
  • 58

newtonian是什么意思 newtonian的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释




例句:Because there’s no place to put a maker outside, as there was in the Aristotelian and the Newtonian universe.

翻译:因为不存在宇宙外的造物主 这点不同于亚里士多德式和牛顿式的宇宙。



例句:(Laughter) And Ayn Rand of course, Ayn Rand is famous for a philosophy called Objectivism, which reflects another value of Newtonian physics, which is objectivity.

翻译:(笑声) 当然安.兰德,安.兰德 是以一种名为“客观主义”的哲学著称的。反映出了另一种牛顿物理的价值观: 那就是客观存在。



例句:it's not superstition. it's practically Newtonian.

翻译:这不是迷信 这其实是在信仰牛顿 (牛顿也是神学专家)。



例句:And what that means is that, in looking at solutions, we've probably given too much priority to what i call technical engineering solutions, Newtonian solutions, and not nearly enough to the psychological ones.

翻译:这 意味着,在寻找答案的时候, 我们可能给了,我所谓的技术性的工程方式, 牛顿式的解决方式太多的重要性, 而忘记了心理上的解决方式。



newtonian一般作为名词、形容词使用,如在generalized Newtonian fluid([化] 广义牛顿流体)、generalized Newtonian liquid(广义牛顿液体)、generalized newtonian models(义牛顿模型)等常见短语中出现较多。

generalized Newtonian fluid[化] 广义牛顿流体
generalized Newtonian liquid广义牛顿液体
generalized newtonian models义牛顿模型
initial Newtonian viscosity起始牛顿黏度
generalized Newtonian fluid[化] 广义牛顿流体
generalized Newtonian liquid广义牛顿液体
generalized newtonian models义牛顿模型
initial Newtonian viscosity起始牛顿黏度


1. it's not superstition. it's practically Newtonian.

翻译:这不是迷信 这其实是在信仰牛顿 (牛顿也是神学专家)。

2. And what that means is that, in looking at solutions, we've probably given too much priority to what i call technical engineering solutions, Newtonian solutions, and not nearly enough to the psychological ones.

翻译:这 意味着,在寻找答案的时候, 我们可能给了,我所谓的技术性的工程方式, 牛顿式的解决方式太多的重要性, 而忘记了心理上的解决方式。

3. Because there’s no place to put a maker outside, as there was in the Aristotelian and the Newtonian universe.

翻译:因为不存在宇宙外的造物主 这点不同于亚里士多德式和牛顿式的宇宙。

4. i have questions with the values of Newtonian science, like rationality. You're supposed to be rational in an argument.


5. Who used the Newtonian treatment of accretion?


6. Once upon a time we believed we lived in a clockwork universe... governed by Newtonian mechanics.

翻译:从前我们相信我们生存在一个既定的宇宙 由牛顿力学决定。

7. Yeah, it's all applied psychology and newtonian physics.

翻译:嗯 我一向是靠应用心理学 和牛顿物理学的真本事 o(╯□╰)o。

8. Example: Benjamin Robins's extraordinary application of Newtonian physics to ballistics.

翻译:本杰明·罗宾斯将牛顿物理用到弹道研究 就是个很好的例子。

9. However, the engineers back in Munich had taken on this kind of Newtonian solution, and they were trying to find how many cup holders can dance on the head of a pin, and, you know, these really serious questions that are confronting the modern consumer.

翻译:已经开始解决这类”牛顿“问题 他们想知道多少杯子固定座 能够在大头针定摇晃,而你知道的, 这些严肃问题是正是现代消费者所面对的。有人希望这两支队伍能够走到一起。

10. Ketchup, though, is part of a merry band of linear rule breakers called Non-Newtonian fluids.

翻译:番茄酱呢,却是线性规则者小团体中的一员 称为非牛顿流体。

11. Sir isaac Newton, of apple fame, first proposed this relationship, and so those fluids are called Newtonian fluids.

翻译:因为苹果而出名的艾萨克·牛顿先生,首次提出了上述现象 所以它们被称为牛顿流体。

12. However, engineers tend to look at things a little bit more Newtonian, instead of this quantum approach.

翻译:而不是这种量子论的方法 我们在对付不理性。

13. Darwin wouldn’t make sense in an Aristotelian universe, and wouldn’t really make sense in a Newtonian universe.

翻译:达尔文理论在亚里士多德的宇宙中讲不通 在牛顿式的宇宙中也讲不通。

14. So this is the foundations of what’s called, traditionally, liberal political theory and Newtonian physics.

翻译:这就是所谓的传统自由理论 和牛顿物理学的基础。

15. it's a Newtonian reflector, and these bolts set the main frame at the end.

翻译:这是一个的牛顿反射,这些螺栓 设置在主框架的末尾。




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