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entryway是什么意思 entryway的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-11-22 14:59:13
  • 80

entryway是什么意思 entryway的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释




例句:The exterior, all along the grounds, the entryway.

翻译:从前门到后门,每块地方都有。The exterior, all along the grounds, the entryway.。



例句:That means "Entryway." No description yet of the suspect or suspects, but i told the new Chief over in Bemidji we'd be on high alert for anything that connects.

翻译:意思是"入口处" That means "Entryway. 告诉贝米吉的新局长 but I told the new chief over in Bemidji。





1. Uh, it's a common term for a secured, controlled entryway.

翻译:这个词的意思是 可控安全通道。

2. Hey, Hector, do me a favor and don't urinate in the entryway anymore.

翻译:嘿 Hector 帮我个忙 别再在入口通道这里了。

3. it's just neat; it's fun. it's so much fun i have it in my house -- but i have it in the entryway, i don't use it to make juice.

翻译:它实在是太好玩了 我家里就有一台 把它摆在过道上 而不是用来做橙汁 (笑声)。

4. Oh' you got a really fresh entryway here. Pretty awesome.

翻译:哦,你们的入口小径 修的很漂亮。

5. This is the entryway to our dorm.


6. What i didn't know then and do know now, is that avoidance and endurance can be the entryway to forging meaning.

翻译:我当时不知道, 现在明白了: 逃避和忍耐 是铸造意义的入口通道。

7. Look at the koi pond in the entryway.


8. And that was when i went to the kitchen, got out a paring knife, and took up a position inside the entryway.

翻译:就是那个时候,我走进厨房, 拿起一把水果刀, 挡在了门厅过道上。

9. But you always kept a certain distance, as if on some threshold, the entryway to someplace too dark or unfamiliar.

翻译:但你总保持一定距离 仿佛有一道门槛在你我之间 通往某处黑暗。

10. two in the living room, entryway, hallway, kitchen.

翻译:2台在客厅 另3台分别在玄关 走道 和厨房里。

11. Only clear entryway is north door.


12. There are waves running along the side of the building, and these squiggly canopies over the entryway, and the whole building bends toward the entrance in a welcoming gesture.

翻译:建筑物的边是波浪形的, 入口通道的顶棚也是弯曲的, 整栋建筑向着入口弯曲 摆出欢迎的姿势。

13. it's just neat; it's fun. it's so much fun i have it in my house -- but i have it in the entryway, i don't use it to make juice.

翻译:它实在是太好玩了 我家里就有一台 把它摆在过道上 而不是用来做橙汁。

14. i knew you'd figure out this entryway sooner or later.

翻译:我知道你迟早会发现这个入口的 I knew you'd figure out this entryway sooner or later.。




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