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town是什么意思 town的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-08-24 07:56:22
  • 214

town是什么意思 town的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释




例句:For the moment, i'm going up to town.

翻译:I'm going up to town.。



例句:This town is ready to blow.

翻译:This town is ready to blow.。



例句:Look, i've done a lot for this town... some you know about, some you don't.

翻译:I've done a lot for this town --。



例句:it's in the bad part of town.

翻译:It's in the bad part of town.。



town一般作为名词使用,如在Cape Town(开普敦(南非) )、Dieppe Bay Town([地名] 迪耶普湾镇 ( 圣基 ))、dock and towndues([网络] 入港及入城税)等常见短语中出现较多。

Cape Town开普敦(南非)
Dieppe Bay Town[地名] 迪耶普湾镇 ( 圣基 )
dock and towndues[网络] 入港及入城税
Donggang Township东港镇(地名)
downtown area闹市区
downtown business district城市商业区
downtown manhattan曼哈顿闹市区(纽约市中心商业地带)
downtown station市内商业区车站


1. Look, i've done a lot for this town... some you know about, some you don't.

翻译:I've done a lot for this town --。

2. it's in the bad part of town.

翻译:It's in the bad part of town.。

3. So, what, you're the new sheriff in town?

翻译:you're the new sheriff in town。

4. But there's press in town.

翻译:But there's press in town.。

5. Small town Living in a small town

翻译:Small town Living in a small town。

6. So this whole town is just gonna eat, drink and screw itself to death?

翻译:this whole town and screw itself to death。

7. The whole town was possessed.

翻译:the whole town was possessed.。

8. - Up in town on the Strand.

翻译:- Up in town on the Strand.。

9. - Where do you want to go? - Kelworth, new town.

翻译:New Town.。

10. ## i'm going down to the middle of town ##

翻译:# I'm going down to the middle of town #。

11. i guess for Sue Lynne, leaving this town was like dying

翻译:leaving this town was like dying。

12. Woody, here, is the talk of the town.

翻译:is the talk of the town.。

13. When i purchased the pumps... they asked if i wanted them wrapped... or if i wanted to wear them.

翻译:Strange town, San Francisco.。

14. Out of this motel, out of this town.

翻译:out of this town.。

15. in '85, there was an empty field outside of town.

翻译:there was an empty field outside of town.。




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