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heartening是什么意思 heartening的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-09-05 06:03:27
  • 279

heartening是什么意思 heartening的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释




例句:- Are you thirsty ? - it's heartening to see - Soldiers of Rome display such valour.




例句:And for one fleeting, heartening moment it came from the papacy itself - a pastoral letter by Pope Pius Xi read from thousands of pulpits on Palm Sunday 1937.

翻译:一次短暂的、但令人鼓舞 的抗争来自教宗本人。1937年的圣枝主日,教宗庇护十一世 的牧函在成千上万个讲坛上被宣读。





1. it's so heartening to have such young visitors.


2. Maybe one of the most heartening findings from the psychology of pleasure is there's more to looking good than your physical appearance.

翻译:也许快乐心理学上 最让人振奋的发现是 还有比外表好看更多的东西存在。

3. And they showed this exact pattern, which was very heartening.

翻译:非常振奋人心的是, 他们也收到了这样的效果。

4. it's so heartening to be in a group like this, in which so many of you have turned your lives to philanthropy.

翻译:这种方法对在座各位不大适用 因为你们中的很多人已经投身慈善了。

5. That's true. That's very heartening. Thank you.

翻译:事实就是这样 相当的励志 谢谢。

6. You know, it's heartening to me.


7. Maybe one of the most heartening findings from the psychology of pleasure is there's more to looking good than your physical appearance.

翻译:也许快乐心理学上 最让人振奋的发现是 还有比外表好看更多的东西存在。

8. At a time when most firms are curtailing their pro bono efforts, it is heartening to see that Lockhart Gardner is stepping those efforts up, at your direction.

翻译:还是在大多数律所 都在减少免费援助的背景下 看到Lockhart Gardner 还在按照你的部署不断在跟进 让我们很是欣慰。

9. The lilacs dipped their cers into the stream before him, and the sun shone so warm and so heartening.

翻译:紫丁香在他面前也都弯腰把枝条伸到了水中 阳光是如此的温暖,如此的柔和。

10. it's just a really heartening story of how the local people are doing everything they can to protect sort of what they think of as their turtles.

翻译:此处上演着温暖人心的故事 {\3cH202020}It's just a really heartening story of 当地人都竭尽全力 {\3cH202020}how the local people are doing everything they can 来保护他们的海龟 {\3cH202020}to protect sort of what they think of as their turtles.。

11. But what's most heartening right now is that despite these challenges, what we're seeing is that there's a network of Africans all across the continent who are rising up and fighting back and demanding climate justice.

翻译:但是现在最令人激动人心的是, 除了我们所面临的这些挑战之外, 我们看到了在整个非洲的民众, 形成了一个网络, 共同、斗争并追求气候正义。

12. But it's so heartening to be in a group like this, in which so many of you have turned your lives to philanthropy.

翻译:这种方法对在座各位不大适用 因为你们中的很多人已经投身慈善了。

13. But part of what makes it so heartening to me as a designer is that he's taken the visual vernacular of Diet Coke -- the typefaces, the colors, the silver background -- and he's reduced them to their most essential parts, so it's like going back to the Charlie Brown face.

翻译:而作为设计师,我认为它 振奋人心的一部分原因是 特纳利用了健怡可乐的视觉地域性—— 字体,颜色,银色的背景—— 并将其精简到了最核心的部分 所以,就像回到查理·布朗的面孔。

14. it's heartening to see the concern in your advice.


15. You know, it's heartening to me.





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