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subscribed是什么意思 subscribed的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-11-01 04:23:04
  • 311

subscribed是什么意思 subscribed的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释




例句:(Laughter) We subscribed to a lot of magazines, did our homework, but really everywhere you look around, we were surrounded by images like this.

翻译:(笑声) 我们订了很多杂志, 做了我们的功课, 但是我们看到的每个地方, 我们都被这样的图片包围着。



例句:At first, Voltaire subscribed to the idea of a benevolent creator God, a referee who makes decisions about human morality and justice.

翻译:起初,伏尔泰赞同那种观念: 即存在着一个仁慈的创造主上帝, 一个裁判人类道德和正义的法官。



例句:Eventually, i broke the ice of my intentions and subscribed to the Peyton Place Times.

翻译:终于 我打破心里的坚冰... 订阅了佩顿镇时报。



例句:i didn't care whether you subscribed to the old testament or the new testament.




subscribed一般作为名词使用,如在fully subscribed([网络] 完全订阅)、Show Subscribed Newsgroups(显示签署新闻组)、stock subscribed([经] 已认股本)等常见短语中出现较多。

fully subscribed[网络] 完全订阅
Show Subscribed Newsgroups显示签署新闻组
stock subscribed[经] 已认股本
Show Subscribed Newsgroups显示签署新闻组
subscribed capital[经] 已认资本, 认定资本, 已发行资本
subscribed capital stock[经] 已认股本, 认定股本
subscribed captial[法] 已认股本


1. Eventually, i broke the ice of my intentions and subscribed to the Peyton Place Times.

翻译:终于 我打破心里的坚冰... 订阅了佩顿镇时报。

2. i didn't care whether you subscribed to the old testament or the new testament.


3. Are you subscribed to this matter, (Ben)?

翻译:你跟这件事 有关吗 本。

4. Are you subscribed to the lady?


5. i have been subscribed on elle. i find it complete good.

翻译:我经常看ELLE杂志 我爱看。

6. That's because on the night of the 17th, you went online and subscribed to Older Bride magazine.

翻译:那是因为17号晚上 你上网订阅了大龄新娘杂志。

7. So what might look like a problem within islamic faith might turn out to be a tradition that Muslims have subscribed to.

翻译:因此,在教中被看作 是一个问题的东西 可能会变成一个传统 被所沿袭。

8. But i got to tell you, this offering, it's already over-subscribed.

翻译:要告诉你 这一项目 己经有太多人认购了。

9. So what might look like a problem within islamic faith might turn out to be a tradition that Muslims have subscribed to.

翻译:因此,在教中被看作 是一个问题的东西 可能会变成一个传统 被所沿袭。

10. -Just between you and me, there's a 3$ off coupon in this months, "Total mens Fitness" magazine your wife Betty subscribed to that right?

翻译:―只是在我们之间,这个月就有一张3美元的息票,你妻子预订了"Total means Fitness"杂志,对吗。

11. - My only certainty is that people who subscribed to your insurance policy Will be born again as fools.

翻译:- 我唯一可以确定的是 那些买了你保险的人 将像般重生。

12. We subscribed to a lot of magazines, did our homework, but really everywhere you look around, we were surrounded by images like this.

翻译:我们订了很多杂志, 做了我们的功课, 但是我们看到的每个地方, 我们都被这样的图片包围着。

13. $15B from the HKSAR and $10B subscribed by the general public...

翻译:香港的150亿 股民认购的100亿...。

14. You didn't read about it unless you subscribed to the israel National News.

翻译:只有订阅以色列国家新闻 你才能获悉。

15. Already over 50% subscribed.





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