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imagenet是什么意思 imagenet的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-01-02 08:18:21
  • 85

imagenet是什么意思 imagenet的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释




例句:As it turned out, the wealth of information provided by imageNet was a perfect match to a particular class of machine learning algorithms called convolutional neural network, pioneered by Kunihiko Fukushima, Geoff Hinton, and Yann LeCun back in the 1970s and '80s.

翻译:因为ImageNet的横空出世,它提供的信息财富 完美地适用于一些特定类别的机器学习算法, 称作“卷积神经网络”, 最早由Kunihiko Fukushima,Geoff Hinton, 和Yann LeCun在上世纪七八十年创。





1. At its peak, imageNet was one of the biggest employers of the Amazon Mechanical Turk workers: together, almost 50,000 workers from 167 countries around the world helped us to clean, sort and label nearly a billion candidate images.

翻译:在高峰期时,ImageNet是“亚马逊土耳其机器人” 这个平台上最大的雇主之一: 来自世界上167个国家的 接近5万个工作者,在一起工作 帮我们筛选、排序、标记了 接近10亿张备选照片。

2. Once, i even joked to my graduate students that i would just reopen my dry cleaner's shop to fund imageNet.

翻译:有一次,我甚至对 我的研究生学生开玩笑说: 我要重新回去开我的干洗店 来赚钱资助ImageNet了。

3. Also in 2012, Geoffrey Hinton, who we saw earlier, won the very popular imageNet competition, looking to try to figure out from one and a half million images what they're pictures of.

翻译:同样在2012年,杰弗里 辛顿,我们之前看到的人 赢了很火的ImageNet比赛 分辨出150万张图片的内容。

4. in 2009, the imageNet project delivered a database of 15 million images across 22,000 cl of objects and things organized by everyday English words.

翻译:在2009年,ImageNet项目诞生了—— 一个含有1500万张照片的数据库, 涵盖了22000种物品。这些物品是根据日常英语单词 进行分类组织的。

5. Powered by the massive data from imageNet and the modern CPUs and GPUs to train such a humongous model, the convolutional neural network blossomed in a way that no one expected.

翻译:借助ImageNet提供的巨大规模数据支持, 通过大量最先进的CPU和GPU, 来训练这些堆积如山的模型, “卷积神经网络” 以难以想象的方式蓬勃发展起来。

6. Once we know this, we knew we needed to collect a data set that has far more images than we have ever had before, perhaps thousands of times more, and together with Professor Kai Li at Princeton University, we launched the imageNet project in 2007.

翻译:一旦我们知道了这个, 我们就明白自己需要收集的数据集, 必须比我们曾有过的任何数据库都丰富 ——可能要丰富数千倍。因此,通过与普林斯顿大学的 Kai Li教授合作, 我们在2007年发起了 ImageNet(图片网络)计划。


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