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talismans是什么意思 talismans的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-09-05 10:05:33
  • 139

talismans是什么意思 talismans的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释




例句:These talismans were created by the holy men to patrol the borders of these two worlds as they overlapped, kind of where the photo dissolves into another, to keep the chaos and insanity and nightmares of the dream world from entering our own.

翻译:创建这些法宝 由圣人 巡逻两者的边界 世界重叠, 如当相片 溶解在另一个。



例句:Rumors say there are talismans on the corpse. Was it a cult ritual?

翻译:民间传言说尸体上被人划符 是不是有人作法害人。



例句:Every night i'd stay up late carving talismans and painting them to look old.

翻译:- 呃 阿宝? 就一下 猴哥 好吧 就算是现场有他的指纹和毛。



例句:These talismans were created by the holy men to patrol the borders of these two worlds as they overlapped.

翻译:创建这些法宝 由圣人 巡逻边界 的两个世界重叠。





1. Every night i'd stay up late carving talismans and painting them to look old.

翻译:- 呃 阿宝? 就一下 猴哥 好吧 就算是现场有他的指纹和毛。

2. These talismans were created by the holy men to patrol the borders of these two worlds as they overlapped.

翻译:创建这些法宝 由圣人 巡逻边界 的两个世界重叠。

3. Sometimes we would get out of a village before people noticed the talismans were fake.

翻译:而且他也有所有被抢铺子的地图 阿宝。

4. Not talismans, not good-luck charms.


5. it's said that Wong Shang could write talismans and perform rituals.

翻译:据说黄裳... 能使用符箓,炼丹作法...。

6. Tokens, talismans, they're a sign of weakness.

翻译:纪念物 护身符什么的 都是懦弱的表现。

7. i usually don't put too much stock in charms and talismans.

翻译:我一般都不信那些鬼神之说 I usually don't put too much stock in charms and talismans.。

8. You hunters with all those amulets and talismans you use to stop those big, bad monsters.

翻译:你们猎人用来阻止巨大又恶心的妖怪的 护身符和辟邪物。

9. if she knew you were wounded, she might give you a hundred more talismans.

翻译:要是知道您伤到了 这次会给您写一百个护符吧。

10. Traps and talismans from every faith on the globe.

翻译:陷阱和护身符是用的 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH111111}{\4cH111111}traps and talismans from every faith on the globe. 干得怎样了? {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH111111}{\4cH111111}how you doing。

11. There are three talismans- an eye, a rib and a heart.


12. From when i was three years old, my father and i traveled to different villages together selling ancient magical talismans that were supposed to cure the sick.

翻译:- 平先生 你确定吗? - 面粉可不会说谎 老爸 大伙 等等。

13. Talismans. All the bodies mutilated in the same obscene manner.

翻译:四起案,一个月一起 那些小信物...。

14. With two of the talismans, i will stand a chance against Kagan.


15. it`s an ancient vampire ritual created to protect the talismans... in case they fall into the wrong hands.

翻译:那是吸血鬼的惯例,早就出现了 防止落入贼人之手。




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