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lefties是什么意思 lefties的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-09-26 12:43:19
  • 145

lefties是什么意思 lefties的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释




例句:From the skewed distribution of pawedness in cooperative animals, to the slightly larger percentage of lefties in competitive hunter-gatherer societies, we may even find that the answers to some puzzles of early human evolution are already in our hands.

翻译:从有爪动物合作的倾斜分布 到合作狩猎社会里 比重稍大的左撇子 我们会发现有关早期人类进化的某些难题的答案 就在我们手中。



例句:All of this implies there's a reason that evolution has produced this small proportion of lefties, and maintained it over the course of millennia.

翻译:这一切的原由是 进化产生了这小部分的左撇子 并保持了上千年。



例句:The public radio lefties love it.

翻译:非常好 法国国际广播电台那帮蠢货会很喜欢的。



lefties一般作为名词使用,如在loony lefties([网络] 洛杉矶左派)等常见短语中出现较多。

loony lefties[网络] 洛杉矶左派


1. The public radio lefties love it.

翻译:非常好 法国国际广播电台那帮蠢货会很喜欢的。

2. The rule of thumb: lefties use the left fist, righties use the other one.

翻译:最有效的方法就是拳头 左撇子当然就用左拳,习惯右手就要用右拳。

3. if people were only fighting and competing throughout human evolution, natural selection would lead to more lefties being the ones that made it until there were so many of them, that it was no longer a rare asset.

翻译:如果在人类进化中只有战斗和竞争 自然选择会导致左撇子的数量从很少 变为很多 直到他们不再是稀有资源。

4. He's not a guy that you say, "The eighth inning is yours, lefties vs. righties."

翻译:He's not a guy that you say, "The eighth inning is yours, 不过你不会跟他说 "第8局就交给你了 lefties vs. righties." 右投对付左打"。

5. What's worse is curly hair, and lefties.


6. The dough finances a party to fight lefties.

翻译:这样得来的钱 就用来资助反对左派人士的政党。

7. if the lefties ever get elected, guys like us with a record, will be in camps like the Jews.

翻译:这些左派的混球 一旦掌权了 像你我这样的人 就会受到法律制裁。

8. Plus two more to s off the lefties. All right, Jane, contact Rodolfo Schmidt at Peterson Wyatt, and tell him there's a total of six coming over.

翻译:还留了两支用来对付左翼分子 Plus two more to s off the lefties. 告诉他们我们总共有六个人要过去 and tell him there's a total of six coming over.。




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