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impedes是什么意思 impedes的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-10-26 02:02:31
  • 127

impedes是什么意思 impedes的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释




例句:And then we came head-to-head with the long legacy of missionary and donor dependence that so impedes unconditional civic action, and we learned this the hard way.

翻译:与此同时,我们还要与 传教士和捐赠者长期以来 的依赖正面交锋, 这种依赖阻碍了无条件的公民行动, 我们为此吃尽苦头。



例句:Hie thee hither that i may pour my spirits in thine ear and chastise with the valour of my tongue all that impedes thee from the golden round.

翻译:快到这儿来吧 让我把我的精神灌注到你的耳朵里 让我用三寸不烂之舌 把阻拦你得到金王冠的障碍全都清除掉。



例句:i'm here to make Frank feel better. if this alleged virus impedes my mission, i must pursue it.




例句:Dark energy, on the other hand, is putting more and more space between the galaxies, makes it, the gravitational attraction between them decrease, and so it impedes the growth of structure.

翻译:暗能量,另一方面, 在星系之间产生越来越多的空间。使它们之间的引力作用减小, 因为它(暗能量)阻碍了固定结构的形成。





1. i'm here to make Frank feel better. if this alleged virus impedes my mission, i must pursue it.


2. Dark energy, on the other hand, is putting more and more space between the galaxies, makes it, the gravitational attraction between them decrease, and so it impedes the growth of structure.

翻译:暗能量,另一方面, 在星系之间产生越来越多的空间。使它们之间的引力作用减小, 因为它(暗能量)阻碍了固定结构的形成。

3. The thracian impedes my attack.


4. This second cliff, the introduction of gutters on the side of the pool that allows water to splash off, rather than becoming turbulence that impedes the swimmers as they race.

翻译:第二个陡坡,是游泳池边 排水沟的普及, 这允许水随意溅出, 而不是变成在比赛时阻碍运动员 的涡流。

5. Hie thee hither... ..that i may pour my spirits in thine ear and chastise with the valour of my tongue all that impedes thee from the golden round, which fate and metaphysical aid doth seem to have thee crowned withal.

翻译:- 是一个叫化子吗? - 是个疯叫化子。他的理智还没有完全丧失, 否则他不会向人乞讨。

6. When sediment impedes the flow of a river, it redirects... zigging and zagging instead of following a straight course.

翻译:当沉淀物阻碍了河流流动 水会改道... 不会直直往前流 而是曲折前进。

7. instinctively, the insect shakes these filaments to and fro... and in doing so, impedes certain small parasites... known as ichneumon that land on its back... and look to lay their eggs under its skin.

翻译:昆虫本能来回挥舞这细丝... 这样来阻挡小寄生虫... 比如姬蜂落到它背上...。

8. As a Homeland agent, you are aware, i'm sure, that anyone who impedes an investigation into an act of terrorism has virtually no protection under the law.

翻译:作为一名国土的特工 我确定你很清楚 任何人阻碍 恐怖活动的调查。

9. He says he's counteracting earth's gravitational pull... because it impedes the blood flow to his brains.

翻译:谢了 他说自己正在中和地球的重力... 因为地球的重力妨碍了血液流进他的大脑。

10. Dark energy, on the other hand, is putting more and more space between the galaxies, makes it, the gravitational attraction between them decrease, and so it impedes the growth of structure.

翻译:暗能量,另一方面, 在星系之间产生越来越多的空间。使它们之间的引力作用减小, 因为它(暗能量)阻碍了固定结构的形成。

11. Differing jargon impedes communication.





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