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grisly是什么意思 grisly的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-01-07 06:39:05
  • 97

grisly是什么意思 grisly的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释




例句:Suddenly, he found himself caught in the clutches of two grisly figures.

翻译:突然,他发现现自己被两个 瘆人的身影紧紧抓住。



例句:The return of the grisly phantom from the grave.

翻译:一个从坟墓回归的 恐怖魅影。



例句:F.B.i. sources confirm that Bertram is believed to be the notorious serial killer Red John, wanted for a string of grisly murders across the California heartland.

翻译:联调局方面证实 据信伯特仑就是臭名昭著的连环杀手血腥约翰 他因在整个加利福尼亚州中心地带。



例句:His first day at school, Ellison, and he's already hearing the grisly details of your mystery?

翻译:他才第一天去学校 埃里森 就已经听到你故事里可怕的细节了。





1. F.B.i. sources confirm that Bertram is believed to be the notorious serial killer Red John, wanted for a string of grisly murders across the California heartland.

翻译:联调局方面证实 据信伯特仑就是臭名昭著的连环杀手血腥约翰 他因在整个加利福尼亚州中心地带。

2. His first day at school, Ellison, and he's already hearing the grisly details of your mystery?

翻译:他才第一天去学校 埃里森 就已经听到你故事里可怕的细节了。

3. The whole thing's pretty grisly if you ask me,


4. Mmm. And i mean really grisly stuff.


5. That you stayed behind till the grisly end on New Caprica, so you could what ?

翻译:在新卡布里卡的末日到来之前 你一直是幕后英雄? 如此一来才可以怎么样? 给。

6. Phil, where is that book on the grisly photos?

翻译:菲尔,那本贴满血腥照片的 相本呢。

7. Because of last week's grisly train derailment, the dulcimer club is on hiatus until further notice.

翻译:由于上周惊心动魄的列车出轨事件 Because of last week's grisly train derailment, 大提琴乐团惊魂未定 暂停一切演出 the dulcimer club is on hiatus until further notice.。

8. And while that idea may be disquieting, and while parasites' habits may be very grisly, i think that ability to surprise us makes them as wonderful and as charismatic as any panda or erfly or dolphin.

翻译:当这个想法令人不安时 当寄生虫的行为冷人毛骨悚然时, 我想那个让我们惊讶的能力 使它们像任何熊猫,蝴蝶,或是海豚 一样美好和有魅力。

9. Oh, i'm so glad to see you. Was Fiji grisly?

翻译:噢 很高兴见到你们 斐济群岛可怕吗。

you make a move on me, you grisly .

翻译:你这令人恶心的家伙,你都对我做了些什么? 你这坨。

11. Now we go to rich... live on the scene in westbrook. A grisly discovery was made today in westbrook when a chest was found in rockwater lake, discovered by a local area businessman and his grandson while they were fishing.

翻译:我们现在把镜头切换给Rich 他在Westbrook为我们现场报道 今天在Westbrook有一个可怕的发现 一只箱子在Rockwater湖。

12. Even though the victim lived, it was a grisly crime, planned carefully in advance.

翻译:尽管被害者性命无碍 你所犯的终归是深思熟虑的可怕罪行。

13. A series of grisly crimes scenes has the sleepy fishing hamlet of Angel Grove reeling

翻译:天使园一个沉静的小渔村 发生了一系列可怕的犯罪事件。

14. A grisly car wreck after one too many dirty Martinis.

翻译:喝得烂醉还要的人 总会出个严重车祸什么的。

15. So, who do we suspect of this grisly murder?

翻译:那么 这宗残忍的案嫌疑人是谁。




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