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cerci是什么意思 cerci的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-05-16 08:31:31
  • 401

cerci是什么意思 cerci的读音、翻译、用法

Cerci 是一个英语单词,意为“(昆虫的)尾须”,是昆虫身体后部的一对触角,类似于耳朵。Cerci 是名词,没有复数形式,常用于昆虫学和生物学领域。是一些常见的中英文翻译例句:

1. The cerci of a roach are important for detecting predators.(蟑螂的尾须对于探测捕食者很重要。)

2. The male cricket uses its cerci to locate a female by detecting her pheromones.(雄性蟋蟀利用尾须通过探测雌性的信息素来寻找配偶。)

3. The cerci of some types of insects are highly sensitive to vibrations.(某些昆虫的尾须对震动非常敏感。)

4. The cerci of a scorpion are used to sense the environment and locate prey.(蝎子的尾须用于感知环境和寻找猎物。)

5. Some researchers believe that cerci may have evolved from legs that moved to the rear of the body.(一些研究人员认为尾须可能是从向后移动的腿进化而来的。)

6. The cerci of the earwig are used in defense and courtship behaviors.(耳w虫的尾须用于防御和行为。)

7. The cerci of certain insects have been shown to be sensitive to heat and humidity.(某些昆虫的尾须已被证明对热和湿度敏感。)


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