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frequent是什么意思 frequent的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-10-26 03:16:56
  • 997

frequent是什么意思 frequent的读音、翻译、用法




1. frequent flyer:常旅客

2. frequent visitor:常客

3. frequent changes:频繁更改

4. frequent occurrence:常见的事情

5. with frequent pauses:频繁暂停

6. frequent use:频繁使用

7. frequent updates:频繁更新


发音拼写: ['fri:kwənt]


1. It is a frequent occurrence for him to be late for class.(他上课迟到是很常见的事情。)

2. The train has frequent stops along the route.(火车沿途经常停靠。)

3. She is a frequent traveler and enjoys exploring new places.(她是个常旅客,喜欢探索新的地方。)

4. He was a frequent visitor to the library.(他是图书馆的常客。)

5. The company made frequent changes to its products to better meet customer needs.(公司为更好地满足客户需求,频繁更改产品。)

6. The speaker spoke slowly and with frequent pauses.(演讲者讲话缓慢,并经常暂停。)

7. The app requires frequent updates to fix bugs and improve performance.(该应用需要频繁更新以修复漏洞并提高性能。)


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