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princerupert是什么意思 princerupert的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-02-04 15:52:32
  • 272

princerupert是什么意思 princerupert的读音、翻译、用法

'Prince Rupert' 是一个人名,是17世纪英国的一位王子。

词义:Prince Rupert是一个人名,没有具体的词义。




发音拼写:/ˈprɪns ˈruːpərt/


1. Prince Rupert was the nephew of King Charles I of England.(普林斯·鲁珀特是英国查理一世国王的侄子。)

2. Prince Rupert was a skilled military commander during the English Civil War.(普林斯·鲁珀特在英国内战期间是一位熟练的军事指挥官。)

3. The city of Prince Rupert in Canada was named after Prince Rupert.(加拿大的鲁珀特王子城是以普林斯·鲁珀特的名字命名的。)

4. Prince Rupert of the Rhine was known for his cavalry charges during battles.(莱茵河的普林斯·鲁珀特以其在战斗中的骑兵冲锋而闻名。)

5. Prince Rupert was a patron of the arts and supported many artists during his lifetime.(普林斯·鲁珀特是一位艺术赞助人,在他的一生中支持了许多艺术家。)

6. The Prince Rupert's Drop is a scientific phenomenon named after Prince Rupert.(鲁珀特王子滴是以普林斯·鲁珀特的名字命名的科学现象。)

7. Prince Rupert was also known for his interest in science and technology.(普林斯·鲁珀特也因其对科学和技术的兴趣而闻名。)


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