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tentatively是什么意思 tentatively的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-04-29 12:27:19
  • 151

tentatively是什么意思 tentatively的读音、翻译、用法

1. 词性和意义


2. 用法

这个词可以用在动词或形容词前面,以强调这些词的不确定性质。比如:“She tentatively opened the door, unsure of what she might find inside.”(她试探性地打开门,不确定里面可能会发生什么。)“He made a tentative approach to the new team, not sure if they would accept him.”(他试探性地接近新团队,不确定他们是否会接受他。)

3. 同义词


4. 反义词



1. The company tentatively plans to launch its new product in the second quarter of next year.(公司试探性地计划于明年第二季度推出新产品。)

2. She tentatively touched the painting with her fingertip, afraid to damage the delicate colors.(她试探性地用手指轻轻触摸画作,担心了细腻的色彩。)

3. The teacher tentatively suggested that the student might benefit from some extra tutoring.(老师试探性地建议学生可能会从一些额外的辅导中受益。)

4. He tentatively approached the group of strangers, wondering if they would welcome him.(他试探性地接近一群陌生人,不确定他们是否欢迎他。)

5. The deadline for the project is tentatively set for next Friday, but it may be extended if necessary.(该项目的截止日期暂定为下周五,但如果必要的话可能会延长。)


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