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threads是什么意思 threads的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-02-20 12:52:00
  • 991

threads是什么意思 threads的读音、翻译、用法




1. thread a needle 穿针引线

2. thread a conversation 开启一场对话

3. thread the needle between two cars 在两辆车之间穿梭

4. follow a thread of thought/argument 理清思路/跟进论点

5. pull on a thread 拉开一根线

6. pick up the threads of a story 续写故事

7. a thread of hope 一线希望

短语:in the thread of time 在时间的流逝中



1. She threaded a needle to sew on a on. 她穿针引线缝扣子。

2. The conversation was threaded with awkward silences. 这场对话中充满尴尬的沉默。

3. The cyclist threaded his way through the busy city streets. 自行车手在繁忙的城市街道上穿梭。

4. She followed the thread of his argument until she finally understood his point of view. 她理清了他的论点,最终明白他的观点。

5. She accidentally pulled on a loose thread and the whole sweater unraveled. 她不小心拉开了一根松动的线,整件毛衣都被拆开了。

6. The author picked up the threads of the previous book and continued the story. 作者续写了前一本书的故事。

7. There was only a thread of hope left for the survival of the endangered species. 濒危物种的生存只剩下了一线希望。


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