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derivants是什么意思 derivants的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-11-04 08:57:06
  • 321

derivants是什么意思 derivants的读音、翻译、用法


1. 组成:通常,派生词是通过在一个基础词上添加前缀或后缀来构成的。前缀添加到词的开头,例如re-(重新)、un-(不)和pre-(先),后缀添加到词的结尾,例如-ness(状态)、-ism(信仰)和-able(能够)。


- She was very unhappy with the way things were going.

- The company has a strong commitment to sustainability.

- It's important to make sure your work is presentable for your boss.

2. 意义:派生词通常是在原词的基础上衍生出来的,但是它们可能有自己的独特含义。派生词可以表达不同的情感、态度或语气,使我们的语言更加富有表现力。例如,添加前缀"un-"可以使一个词的含义相反,例如unhappy(不开心),unacceptable(不可接受)。


- His presentation was really impressive, but he seemed a bit disorganized.

- I'm afraid that kind of behavior is unacceptable in our company.

- The room was uncomfortably hot, it difficult to concentrate.

3. 语言学应用:学生在学习英语时,了解派生词的概念非常有帮助。它可以帮助他们更好地理解单词的含义、拼写和发音。派生词也是扩大词汇量和表达能力的重要工具。


- He needs to work on his unciation before he can be understood clearly.

- Learning new vocabulary is an important element of language acquisition.

- I always try to use a thesaurus to come up with more creative ways to communicate my ideas.


1. 派生词:unhappy(不开心)

- I don't know why she's so unhappy all the time.

- 我不知道她为什么总是那么不开心。

2. 派生词:singer(歌手)

- She always wanted to be a singer when she was growing up.

- 她小的时候就一直想当个歌手。

3. 派生词:beautiful(美)

- The view from the top of the mountain was absolutely beautiful.

- 山顶上的景色真是太美了。

4. 派生词:disapprove(不支持)

- My parents disapprove of me staying up late every night.

- 我父母不支持我每晚熬夜。

5. 派生词:impossible(不可能)

- It's impossible to finish this project in one day.

- 在一天内完成这个项目是不可能的。


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