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kameez是什么意思 kameez的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-11-03 06:42:51
  • 527

kameez是什么意思 kameez的读音、翻译、用法

As an English teacher, when it comes to the word 'kameez', here are at least 5 aspects to elucidate on:

1. Definition and origin: 'Kameez' is a traditional long shirt worn by men and women in South Asia, typically paired with pants or a skirt. The word comes from the Persian 'qamis', which means shirt or tunic.

2. Cultural significance: The kameez is an important part of South Asian cultural identity and is often worn during special occasions such as weddings and religious events. It also reflects the region's distinct fashion sensibility and style.

3. Variations and styles: There are many different styles of kameez, ranging from the traditional loose-fitting kurta to more modern, tailored options. The garment can also be adorned with intricate embroidery, beading and other embellishments.

4. Global popularity: The kameez has become increasingly popular outside of South Asia, with designers and fashion labels incorporating the garment into their collections. In recent years, the kameez has also been embraced by Western celebrities and fashion influencers.

5. Language usage: The word 'kameez' is often used in English to refer specifically to the South Asian garment, and is sometimes spelled 'kurta' or 'qamis' depending on the region. It is important to understand the cultural significance of the kameez and to use the term appropriately in conversation.

Example sentences:

1. She wore a shimmering gold kameez with intricate embroidery for her wedding.


2. The designer's latest collection featured a range of modern kameez styles with bold prints and monochromatic colors.


3. He opted for a traditional white kameez with a matching shalwar for the religious ceremony.


4. She added a touch of glamour to her outfit with a beaded kameez and matching earrings.


5. The designer reimagined the kameez silhouette for a Western audience, using bold prints and sleek tailoring.



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