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god speed是什么意思 god speed的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-04-14 01:42:32
  • 98

god speed是什么意思 god speed的读音、翻译、用法



1. 定义: "God speed"是一种祝福,表示希望某人或某事顺利、平安、快速地进行。这个短语通常用于语境或正式场合。


- Godspeed on your journey!

- May God speed the day when we can all live in peace.

- Godspeed and be safe, my friend.

2. 发音:"God speed" 的发音是 /ˈɡɒdspiːd/。


- Can you say "God speed" three times fast?

- Some people misounce "God speed" as "good speed."

- The unciation of "God speed" may vary in different English-speaking countries.

3. 词源: "God speed" 源于中世纪英语,最初是一种教会或王室的祝福。


- The phrase "God speed" has a long history in the English language.

- The origins of "God speed" can be traced back to the 14th century.

- "God speed" is a traditional farewell greeting in some cultures.

4. 用法: "God speed" 通常作为祝福用语出现,可以与其他祝福语一起使用。


- Good luck and God speed!

- May God speed your recovery.

- Wishing you God's blessings and speedy healing.

5. 可替代表达: "God speed" 可以与其他词语或短语替代,例如 "good luck"、"safe travels"、"all the best" 或 "take care" 等。


- I wish you good luck on your journey.

- Safe travels and have a great trip!

- All the best to you and your family.

- Take care of yourself and stay healthy.

- May the force be with you! (在某些情况下可以代替 "God speed")


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