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batir是什么意思 batir的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-04-28 00:37:33
  • 83

batir是什么意思 batir的读音、翻译、用法


1. 词性:动词,意为“建造、修建”。

例如:They are going to batir a new hospital in the town.(他们将在镇上修建一座新医院。)

2. 词性:名词,缩写词,意为“基础设施项目建设监管局”(负责协调、监督和管理全国基础设施项目建设工作)。

例如:The BATIR will hold a meeting to discuss the new infrastructure projects.(BATIR将举行会议讨论新的基础设施项目。)

3. 词性:名词,意为“堡垒、城堡”。

例如:The castle was built to batir the enemies.(这座城堡是为了抵御敌人而建造的。)

4. 词性:缩写词,意为“黑莓开发者工具包”。(一款用于设计和构建黑莓应用程序的工具包)

例如:The BATIR platform provides excellent support for BlackBerry developers.(BATIR平台为黑莓开发人员提供了良好的支持。)

5. 词性:缩写词,意为“私人银行家和信托公司会议”。(一个由私人银行家和信托公司负责人组成的会议)

例如:The BATIR conference will be held in Geneva next month.(BATIR会议将于下个月在日内瓦举行。)


1. The government is planning to batir a new highway to connect the two cities. (计划修建一条新的高速公路,连接这两个城市。)

2. BATIR is responsible for coordinating and supervising infrastructure construction projects nationwide.(BATIR负责协调和监督全国基础设施建设项目。)

3. The knights built a strong castle to batir the enemy attacks.(骑士们建造了一座坚固的城堡来抵御敌人的攻击。)

4. The BATIR platform offers powerful tools and features for BlackBerry app development.(BATIR平台提供强大的工具和功能,用于黑莓应用程序开发。)

5. Leading private bankers and trust company executives attended the BATIR conference to discuss financial trends and opportunities.(著名的私人银行家和信托公司高管参加了BATIR会议,讨论金融趋势和机遇。)


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