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sized是什么意思 sized的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-09-05 13:00:53
  • 309

sized是什么意思 sized的读音、翻译、用法

1. Definition: "Sized" means to adjust the size of something or to classify something according to size. It can also refer to a substance that is added to paper or fabric to make it more resistant to water and ink.

2. Etymology: "Sized" comes from the Old French word "siz" meaning "a quantity of wax" which was used to prepare paper for writing.

3. Usage:

- In clothing, "sized" refers to garments that come in a range of sizes (e.g. small, medium, large) to fit different body types.

- In printing, "sized" refers to paper that has been treated with a substance to prevent the ink from spreading.

- In textiles, "sized" refers to fabric that has been treated with a starch or resin to make it more durable and resistant to wrinkles.

4. Examples:

- Clothing: "I need to buy a new shirt, but I'm not sure what size I should get. Do you have this shirt in a medium-sized?"

- Printing: "This printer can handle a range of paper sizes, including letter-sized and legal-sized."

- Textiles: "This tablecloth is made of a high-quality cotton that has been sized to make it more resistant to spills and stains."

English Examples:

1. He sized up his opponent before the boxing match.


2. This dress is not sized correctly for me.


3. The paper was sized with a special coating to prevent smudging.


4. The shirt I bought is too large, do you have a smaller size?

我买的衬衫太大了,你们有比这个更小的尺码吗5. The fabric was sized with a starch to make it more durable.



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