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casei是什么意思 casei的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-10-30 15:30:13
  • 413

casei是什么意思 casei的读音、翻译、用法


1. Casei - Lactobacillus Casei是一种益生菌,它可以帮助消化系统中的健康菌群生长和维持身体健康。


- I've been taking a probiotic supplement that contains casei to improve my gut health.

- Eating foods that are high in casei, such as yogurt, can also help promote a healthy balance of gut bacteria.

- Researchers are studying the effects of casei on various health conditions, including allergies and infections.

- Some people who are lactose intolerant find that they can tolerate fermented dairy products that are high in casei, like kefir.

2. Casei - "Casei"可能是某个公司、品牌或产品的名称或商标。


- Have you tried the new Casei Greek yogurt? It's supposed to have even more protein than regular Greek yogurt.

- The Casei brand is known for its high-quality probiotic supplements.

- There's a new energy drink on the market called Casei Blast that claims to give you all-day energy.

- I'm thinking of buying a Casei water filter for my home. Have you heard anything about them?

3. CASEI - CASEI可以是某个团体、组织或项目的缩写词。


- The CASEI initiative aims to promote sustainable agriculture practices in developing countries.

- CASEI stands for Community Alliance for Support and Education in Immigration, a nonprofit organization that helps immigrants with legal and social services.

- Our research project is funded by CASEI grants from the government.

- The CASEI conference brings together experts from around the world to discuss the latest developments in renewable energy.

4. Casei - "Casei"可以是某个人的姓氏或名字。


- Dr. Maria Casei is a leading researcher in the field of infectious diseases.

- I'm meeting with Mr. Casei from the law firm later today to discuss our case.

- Casei is a relatively uncommon name, but I've met a few people with that surname.

- Have you heard of the author Casei Simmons? She wrote a popular book about a murder mystery in a small town.


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