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tolerances是什么意思 tolerances的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-08-13 01:43:17
  • 118

tolerances是什么意思 tolerances的读音、翻译、用法



词组搭配:tight tolerances(严格容差)、dimensional tolerances(尺寸公差)、manufacturing tolerances(生产容差)、operating tolerances(操作容差)、mechanical tolerances(机械容差)、cost tolerances(成本容忍度)




1. We must have a zero-tolerance policy towards terrorism.(我们必须对实行零容忍政策。)

2. The manufacturing industry has to deal with tight tolerances to ensure parts are made to the correct specifications.(制造业必须处理严格的容差,以确保零件按照正确的规格制造。)

3. The operating tolerances for the new machine are much tighter than those of the previous model.(新机器的操作容差要比之前的机型严格得多。)

4. The mechanical tolerances for this complex system are critical for its proper functioning.(这个复杂系统的机械容差对其正常运行至关重要。)

5. Our company has a policy of cost tolerances when considering new projects.(在考虑新项目时,我们公司有一个成本容忍度政策。)

6. The technician adjusted the dimensional tolerances to ensure the product met the required specifications.(技术员调整了尺寸公差,以确保产品符合要求的规格。)

7. The safety regulations have zero tolerances for any violation.(安全规定对任何违规行为都实行零容忍。)


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