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issuing是什么意思 issuing的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-08-31 06:37:58
  • 158

issuing是什么意思 issuing的读音、翻译、用法




- issuing authority 发行机构

- issuing bank 发卡行

- issuing country 发行国

- issuing company 发行公司

- issuing fee 发行费用

- issuing house 发行银行

- issuing securities 发行证券


- issuing shares 发行股票

- issuing bonds 发行债券

- issuing policy 发布政策

- issuing statements 发布声明



1. The company will be issuing new shares on the stock market next week.(公司下周将在股票市场上发行新股。)

2. The bank is responsible for issuing credit cards to its customers.(银行负责向客户发行信用卡。)

3. The government is issuing a new policy to regulate the use of plastic bags.(正在发布一项新政策,以规范塑料袋的使用。)

4. The publisher is issuing a new edition of the novel next month.(出版商将于下个月发行小说的新版本。)

5. The museum is issuing a limited number of tickets for the exhibition.(博物馆发布了展览的有限门票。)

6. The company will be issuing a press release later today to announce the new product.(公司今天晚些时候将发布新产品的新闻稿。)

7. The government is issuing bonds to finance the construction of new roads.(正在发行债券,以资助新道路的建设。)


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