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karni是什么意思 karni的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-09-19 07:11:05
  • 102

karni是什么意思 karni的读音、翻译、用法

1. 词义:karni是一个单词缩写,一般指“killed and not recovered”(被杀并未找回尸体),主要用于描述在战争或犯罪事件中失踪或死亡的人。

2. 词性:karni是一个名词,常用于军事或法律领域。

3. 词组搭配:常见的词组搭配包括“karni list(未找回尸体名单)”和“karni investigation(寻找失踪士兵的调查)”等。

4. 短语:无。

5. 发音拼写: [kahr-nee]


1. The military has been working tirelessly to locate and identify the karni soldiers who were left behind after the battle.(军方一直在不懈地寻找和鉴定在战斗中留下的karni士兵。)

2. The family of the karni soldier is still waiting for news of their loved one's fate.(这位karni士兵的家人还在等待他们亲人命运的消息。)

3. The karni list has been updated to include the names of soldiers who recently went missing.(karni名单已更新,包括最近失踪的士兵名字。)

4. The government has launched an investigation into the karni incident to determine who may be responsible.(已展开对karni事件的调查,以确定可能的责任人。)

5. The karni case has gripped the nation, with many people demanding justice for the fallen soldiers.(karni案件牵动了全国,许多人要求为阵亡的士兵伸张正义。)


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