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controlling是什么意思 controlling的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-05-15 11:28:51
  • 148

controlling是什么意思 controlling的读音、翻译、用法

词义:controlling 是形容词,意为“控制的,支配的”,指能够管理或操纵某一情况,使其按照既定的方向或目标发展。



1. controlling interest:控制权

2. controlling factor:支配因素

3. controlling shareholder:控股股东

4. controlling influence:控制影响

5. controlling authority:控制权机构

6. controlling power:支配力量

7. controlling behavior:控制行为




1. The company's controlling stake in the subsidiary gave it a lot of power.(该公司对子公司的控制股份赋予了很大的权力。)

2. The controlling factor in determining the success of the project was funding.(决定项目成功的关键因素是资金。)

3. The controlling shareholder of the company has the final say in major business decisions.(该公司的控股股东在重大业务决策中有最后决定权。)

4. The controlling influence of the teacher on the students was evident in their improved grades.(老师对学生的控制影响在他们的学习成绩上表现得很明显。)

5. The government is the controlling authority over public transportation.(是公共交通的控制权机构。)

6. The controlling power of the military dictatorship over the media was stifling.(军事者对媒体的控制力量是压抑的。)

7. The controlling behavior of the parent towards their child was seen as overbearing.(父母对孩子的控制行为被认为是专横的。)


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