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expander是什么意思 expander的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-01-30 06:54:16
  • 849

expander是什么意思 expander的读音、翻译、用法






1. air expander 空气扩张器

2. brake expander 刹车液气扩张器

3. chest expander 部扩展器

4. heat exchanger 热交换器

5. oil expander 油气扩张器

6. vacuum expander 真空扩张器

7. waist expander 腰部扩展器


expander wheel 扩张轮


英 [ɪkˈspændə(r)] 美 [ɪkˈspændɚ]


1. The chest expander is a device for improving the strength and flexibility of the chest muscles.(部扩展器是一种增强肌力量和灵活性的装置。)

2. The air expander is a type of pneumatic cylinder that uses compressed air to expand its internal ton.(空气扩张器是一种利用压缩空气扩展其内部活塞的气缸。)

3. The brake expander is a device that uses hydraulic pressure to expand the brake ss to make contact with the brake drum.(刹车液气扩张器是一种利用液压压力将刹车鞋扩张以接触刹车鼓的装置。)

4. The heat exchanger is an essential component of a heating and cooling system that transfers heat from one medium to another.(热交换器是一个加热和冷却系统的基本组成部分,可以将热量从一个介质传递到另一个介质。)

5. The oil expander is used to expand oil in the crankcase of an engine to reduce oil consumption and improve lubrication.(油气扩张器可用于扩大发动机曲轴箱中的油量,以减少油耗并改善润滑。)

6. The vacuum expander is a device for generating a vacuum in a closed container or system.(真空扩张器是一种在封闭容器或系统中产生真空的装置。)

7. The waist expander is designed to help people stretch and strengthen the muscles around the waist.(腰部扩展器旨在帮助人们伸展和加强腰部周围的肌肉。)


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