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trash can是什么意思 trash can的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-05-06 08:15:17
  • 213

trash can是什么意思 trash can的读音、翻译、用法

词义: 'trash can' 意为垃圾桶、垃圾筒。

词性: 'trash can' 是一个名词短语。

词组搭配:trash can be emptied(垃圾可以被清空)、take out the trash(倒垃圾)、put something in the trash can(把某物放进垃圾桶)等。


发音拼写:[træʃ kæn]


1. Don't forget to take out the trash from the trash can.(别忘了把垃圾桶里的垃圾倒出来。)

2. I need a new trash can for my kitchen.(我需要一个新的垃圾桶放在厨房。)

3. Please put the empty bottle in the recycling bin, not the trash can.(请把空瓶子放到回收桶里,不要放在垃圾桶里。)

4. The janitor is responsible for emptying the trash can in the office.(清洁工负责清空办公室里的垃圾桶。)

5. He accidentally kicked the trash can over and spilled all the trash on the floor.(他不小心把垃圾桶踢倒了,垃圾洒在了地上。)

6. The city provides each household with a blue trash can for recyclables.(市向每户家庭提供一只蓝色的回收垃圾桶。)

7. She rummaged through the trash can looking for something she had thrown away by mistake.(她在垃圾桶里翻找那个不小心扔掉的东西。)


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