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redness是什么意思 redness的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-04-17 03:12:28
  • 808

redness是什么意思 redness的读音、翻译、用法

词义:Redness 是指颜色或表面呈现出红色或红色调的程度或状态。

词性:Redness 是一个名词。


1. blushing redness:脸红

2. patchy redness:斑块状发红

3. diffuse redness:弥漫性发红

4. facial redness:面部红肿

5. erythematous redness:红斑性发红

6. skin redness:皮肤发红

7. inflammation-induced redness:炎症性红肿




1. The redness of her face betrayed her embarrassment.(她脸上的红晕显露出她的尴尬。)

2. The doctor examined the redness on my leg and prescribed ointment.(医生检查了我腿上的红肿并开了药膏。)

3. The redness of the sunset was breathtakingly beautiful.(日落的红色美得令人惊叹。)

4. I applied a cold compress to reduce the redness and swelling.(我敷了一块冰袋以减轻红肿。)

5. Drinking alcohol can cause facial redness and flushing.(饮酒会导致面部潮红和泛红。)

6. The redness of the stop sign warns drivers to come to a halt.(停车标志的红色警告驾驶员停下来。)

7. Rosacea is a skin condition that causes persistent facial redness.(酒渣鼻是一种导致面部持续红肿的皮肤病。)


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