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anteroom是什么意思 anteroom的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-11-19 09:42:45
  • 436

anteroom是什么意思 anteroom的读音、翻译、用法



词组搭配:anteroom to the lecture hall(演讲厅前的小房间)

短语:in the anteroom(在小房间里)



1. The bride's mother waited nervously in the anteroom before the wedding ceremony.(新娘母亲在婚礼仪式前在小房间里紧张地等待。)

2. The anteroom to the prinl's office was crowded with students waiting to see him.(校长办公室的小房间里挤满了等待见他的学生。)

3. The hotel had a spacious anteroom with comfortable seating for guests to wait in before checking in.(酒店有一个宽敞的小房间,有舒适的座位供客人在办理入住手续前等待。)

4. The anteroom of the restaurant was filled with the aroma of fresh bread and coffee.(餐厅的小房间里充满了新鲜面包和咖啡的香气。)

5. The anteroom of the theater was decorated with posters for upcoming shows.(剧院的小房间里挂着即将上演的节目海报。)

6. The anteroom to the conference hall had a sign asking attendees to silence their phones.(会议厅的小房间上有一个牌子,要求与会者将手机静音。)

7. The anteroom of the museum contained a small exhibit of ancient pottery.(博物馆的小房间里摆放着一些古陶器的小展览。)


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