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edifices是什么意思 edifices的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-08-15 00:52:05
  • 89

edifices是什么意思 edifices的读音、翻译、用法


1. 词义:'edifices'是指大型建筑物,如宏伟的教堂、宏伟的广场或宏伟的桥梁。这个单词通常用于描述高耸的结构,其高度、力量和重量令人印象深刻。


- The ancient Roman colosseum is one of the most impressive edifices in history.

- The skysers in New York City are some of the tallest edifices in the world.

2. 历史和文化意义:'edifices'也可以用来描述文化或历史上重要的建筑物,它们反映了当时的设计风格和智慧。


- The Great Wall of China is an edifice that has stood for centuries, symbolizing Chinese strength and resilience.

- The Eiffel Tower is an iconic edifice in Paris that attracts millions of visitors every year.

3. 象征意义:'edifices'不仅是建筑物,也可以是象征性的建筑或标志,代表着某些价值和意义。


- The Statue of Liberty is an edifice that represents and democracy in the United States.

- The Great Pyramid of Giza was an edifice that symbolized the power and wealth of the ancient Egyptian pharaohs.

4. 超越物质的意义:'edifices'有时也可以用来描述非物质的东西,如思想、信仰或哲学。


- The edifice of democracy relies on the principles of equality and justice for all.

- The edifice of science is built on the foundation of observation, experimentation and reason.

5. 比喻的意义:'edifices'有时候也可以用作比喻,指复杂的组织、系统或思想结构。


- The edifice of modern economics has been built on the theories of Adam Smith and John Maynard Keynes.

- The edifice of Western civilization is built on the foundations of ancient Greece and Rome.



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