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donnes是什么意思 donnes的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-05-12 09:13:16
  • 96

donnes是什么意思 donnes的读音、翻译、用法


1. 词性

“donnes” 是一个名词的复数形式,单数形式为“donne”,指的是法语中“gift”(礼物)的意思。


- She received many donnes from her friends on her birthday.(她生日时从朋友那里收到了很多礼物。)

- The company gave out donnes to its employees as a token of appreciation.(公司送给员工礼物以示感激。)

2. 缩写词

“DONNES” 也可以是某些专业领域的缩写,如“Data Originated Non-Uniform Evaluation System”(数据源非均匀评估系统)等。


- The DONNES system provides accurate and efficient evaluation of complex data sets.(DONNES系统为复杂数据集提供准确高效的评估。)

- We used the DONNES method to yze the non-uniformity of the data.(我们采用DONNES方法分析数据的非均匀性。)

3. 历史事件

“Donnes” 还可以指代英国17世纪著名的诗人、律师、牧师约翰·多恩(John Donne)。


- The poetry of Donnes is famous for its metaphysical style and religious themes.(多恩的诗歌以其玄学风格和主题而闻名。)

- Donnes was a prominent figure in the intellectual circles of his time.(多恩是他时代知识分子圈子中的杰出人物。)

4. 国际组织

“DOnnes” 是“Diversity & Openness Network for Entrepreneurs and Startups”的缩写,是一个旨在促进创业者和创业公司之间多样性和开放性的国际组织。


- DOnnes provides a platform for entrepreneurs from different backgrounds to connect and collaborate.(DOnnes为来自不同背景的创业者提供了一个连接和合作的平台。)

- The DOnnes conference in Berlin attracted entrepreneurs and investors from around the world.(柏林的DOnnes会议吸引了来自世界各地的创业者和投资者。)

5. 卫生保健

“DONNES” 是“Derived Optimal, Nonlinear, Nonparametric, or Empirical Simulations” 的缩写,是一种用于生成连续性健康结果的数学算法。


- The DONNES algorithm is used to s the long-term health outcomes of different treatment options.(DONNES算法用于评估不同治疗方案的长期健康成果。)

- The DONNES model takes into account various factors that can affect health outcomes, such as age, gender, and lifestyle.(DONNES模型考虑了影响健康成果的各种因素,如年龄、性别和生活方式。)


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