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deficits是什么意思 deficits的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-03-20 00:59:26
  • 651

deficits是什么意思 deficits的读音、翻译、用法



词组搭配:trade deficits(贸易逆差);budget deficits(预算赤字);current account deficits(经常账户逆差);capital deficits(资本赤字)

短语:deficits spending(赤字支出);deficits reduction(赤字减少);fiscal deficits(财政赤字)



1. The country's trade deficit is growing year by year.(这个国家的贸易逆差逐年增加。)

2. The government is trying to reduce the budget deficit.(试图减少预算赤字。)

3. The current account deficit is worrying economists.(经常账户逆差令经济学家担忧。)

4. The company is facing a capital deficit and may need to raise more funds.(这家公司面临资本赤字,可能需要募集更多资金。)

5. Deficits spending has led to an increase in the national debt.(赤字支出导致国家债务增加。)

6. The government has implemented deficits reduction measures to improve the economy.(已经实施了赤字减少措施来改善经济。)

7. Fiscal deficits can have long-term consequences for a country's economy.(财政赤字可能对一个国家的经济产生长期影响。)


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