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mutes是什么意思 mutes的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-10-05 03:39:21
  • 452

mutes是什么意思 mutes的读音、翻译、用法



词组搭配:mutes the sound(减小声音),mute on(静音键),mute switch(静音开关)。

短语:mute point(不重要的问题),deaf and mute(聋哑人)。



1. He mutes the television every time a commercial comes on.(他每次看电视广告时都会调低声音。)

2. The sound in the movie theater was muted during the previews.(电影院的声音在预告片期间被调低了。)

3. The trumpet player mutes his instrument for a unique effect.(小号手通过静音创造出独特的效果。)

4. His question was a mute point since the decision had already been made.(他的问题是个无关紧要的问题,因为决定已经做出了。)

5. The deaf and mute girl communicated through sign language.(那个聋哑女孩通过手语进行交流。)

6. The mute switch on the phone is used to silence the ringer.(手机上的静音开关用于关闭铃声。)

7. The sound of the crowd was muted by the soundproof walls.(人群的声音被隔音墙消音了。)


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